South Wales Echo

Minister ‘refused to meet’ climate protesters


ENVIRONMEN­T minister Lesley Griffiths refused to meet with protesters before they brought Cardiff city centre to a standstill – despite telling the Senedd that the protest group had never approached her.

Extinction Rebellion campaigner­s held a protest in Cardiff over three days in July.

Members of the group – raising awareness of climate change – sat on the road outside Cardiff Castle as part of a series of protests being held around the UK.

Roads were closed and disruption caused to commuters and residents over July 15, 16 and 17.

But, before the protest – on May 29 – Ms Griffiths had been contacted by activists asking if she would meet with four or five people to discuss oil and gas exploratio­n in Welsh waters, policy and Welsh Government divestment from fossil fuels.

The invite read: “We would be most grateful if you would meet a small delegation of four or five people to discuss the above issues. We understand that you have a very busy diary but we would hope to meet in the next few weeks.

“I would hope the meeting could take place at the Aberystwyt­h office of the Welsh Government but we would be prepared to meet in Cardiff Bay if that is more convenient.”

No reply was received so a follow-up email was sent on July 6 before an email with a hand-signed letter from the Welsh Government minister was returned on July 16.

On the third day of the protest – Wednesday, July 17 – Conservati­ve AM Andrew RT Davies asked Ms Griffiths a question about the protest during a Senedd plenary session.

Mr Davies asked: “What would your message be to residents of Cardiff who have been disrupted, because the protesters are levelling that accusation against your government?

In response, Ms Griffiths answered: “The protesters haven’t tried to engage with me directly, but, previously, officials have met with some members of them, so I’m very aware of the protest that is going on.”

The Welsh Conservati­ves group has now obtained a letter sent in Ms Griffiths’ name the day before she told AMs she had not been contacted by protesters in which Ms Griffiths said she would not be able to meet with protesters due to a “heavily committed diary”.

The opening paragraph of the two-page letter says the delay in response to a letter sent on May 29 was “due to an administra­tion error”.

Ms Griffiths’ letter details legislatio­n and measures taken about climate change, and quotes the Welsh Government as being “the first parliament in the world to vote in favour of the declaratio­n of a climate emergency”.

The Welsh Government has been contacted for comment.

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