South Wales Echo

Johnson against new Scotland vote


BORIS JOHNSON has insisted there is “no reason” for Scots to have the second independen­ce referendum that Nicola Sturgeon is pushing for.

On his first visit north of the border since becoming Prime Minister, Mr Johnson declared the vote in 2014 had been a “once in a generation event” and public faith in politics would be further damaged if a second such ballot was to take place.

His comments came after the Scottish First Minister warned the new Tory leader’s “hard-line” government was driving the country towards “disaster” by pushing for a no-deal Brexit.

Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson has also made it plain she will not support the UK leaving the European Union without a deal in place – with the issue marking a split between the Tory leadership north and south of the border.

Despite that, Mr Johnson promised he would be “doing everything I can to assist” Ms Davidson to become Scotland’s next first minister in the 2021 Holyrood election.

He hailed her as a “fantastic leader of Scottish Conservati­ves”, adding: “I am lost in admiration at what she has achieved, I am a massive fan of the way she has taken the argument to those who would destroy our union.”

Mr Johnson hit out at the “campaign to destroy the union” from the SNP – and while he refused to unequivoca­lly rule out granting Holyrood permission for a second independen­ce referendum, he said comments that the 2014 ballot was a “once in a generation” event must be respected.

He spoke as he visited the Faslane naval base on the Clyde, where he went on board HMS Victorious, one of the nuclear submarines stationed there.

Asked if he was ruling out a second referendum during his premiershi­p, Mr Johnson said: “It was a once in a generation consultati­on of the people, we did it in 2014 and the people were assured then that it was a once in a generation consultati­on.

“I see no reason now for the politician­s to go back on that promise.”

The new Prime Minister added: “In 2014 there was a historic vote, I think it was the only one there has been in my lifetime that I can remember, the only vote on Scottish independen­ce that I can remember in my lifetime, and I’m 55, it is the only time it has happened and it was decisive, there was I think at least a 10-point margin.

“Everybody made clear at the time in 2014, even the Scottish Nationalis­t Party, I seem to recollect, said that this was a once in a generation vote and I think that the confidence of the public in politician­s would be undermined yet further if we were to go back on that and hold another referendum.”

Ms Sturgeon argued: “The people of Scotland did not vote for this Tory Government, they didn’t vote for this new Prime Minister, they didn’t vote for Brexit and they certainly didn’t vote for a catastroph­ic no-deal Brexit, which Boris Johnson is now planning for.”

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Boris Johnson visits HMS Victorious
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