South Wales Echo

Charge of the chef’s whites brigade



KITCHEN-BASED shows are often very serious. You know the drill – lots of yelling, crying, hugging and everyone a hot, sweaty, stressed-out mess. This latest concoction is no exception.

It sees Michelin-starred chef Jason Atherton on a mission to take a team of raw cooking talent and turn them into a chef’s brigade. But what is that, you may wonder?

Jason explains: “I’m obsessed with food. It’s my life, it’s who I am. But if you want to make world-class food, it’s never about one individual, it’s always about building a team. And in the kitchen, that team is known as the brigade.”

Jason has four Michelin stars and 18 restaurant­s. Putting these teams together is what he does for a living and he’s deadly serious about getting this right.

He’s handpicked some chefs who have talent but only basic skills.

After a few weeks they will be competing with the brigades

at Europe’s finest restaurant­s. Cue the drama.

On meeting these chefs, they are mostly young, wide-eyed and slightly scared. Some have never been abroad before and certainly have never eaten in top restaurant­s.

Jason whisks them straight off to a posh eaterie in Italy before they’ve even started.

They will have four days to get up to standard and cook with the head chef there.

Gin-infused cuttlefish anyone? Surely that will be a breeze to whip up.

It’s all quite stressful and will build towards a final showdown against those bastions of fine dining, the French.

The knives are out.

 ??  ?? Chef Jason Atherton, left, and inspecting a dish prepared by Alfredo De Luca, above
Jason (third from left) with members of the chef’s brigade
Chef Jason Atherton, left, and inspecting a dish prepared by Alfredo De Luca, above Jason (third from left) with members of the chef’s brigade
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