South Wales Echo



- LIZ DAY Reporter­

AN INMATE who was locked up for burglary bit a prison officer and kicked two others the day before he was due to be released.

Serving prisoner Sean Kells pushed one officer up against a cell wall before biting her thigh, then kicked a second officer to her jaw and a third to her head.

Cardiff Crown Court heard another inmate shouted at him: “Kells, it’s a woman.”

The court heard the incident happened at 12.35pm on December 3 last year at HM Parc Prison in Bridgend. Thomas Stanway, prosecutin­g, said there was an argument between the defendant and another inmate.

Prison officer Amy Williams thought Kells had been “slashed” as he had a wound to his left cheek. She noticed the defendant and his cellmate both had bloodshot eyes and thought they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Prosecutor­s said Kells’ cellmate started fighting with another prisoner and officer Anwen Jenkins intervened. They heard: “Get off my cellmate.”

The court heard the defendant grabbed Amy Williams and pushed her up against the cell wall. Mr Stanway said: “He bit Amy Williams on her left thigh. She was pushing his head to get him to let go. He was gripping on and his teeth ripped her skin.”

Amy Williams described the defendant as “filled with anger”, with his eyes bloodshot and veins protruding. The court heard Kells kicked Ms Jenkins to the jaw and then three or four times to her shoulder.

Ms Jenkins said she did not feel pain at that stage as she was focusing on protecting her colleagues and herself. Prosecutor­s said the defendant was swinging his legs and kicked another prison officer, Charlotte Williams, in the head. The prison officers managed to restrain Kells and he was taken back to his cell.

Amy Williams said she suspected the defendant had been on “hooch” – alcohol brewed in prison. The court heard the bite mark on her thigh turned black as the bruise came out and the prison nurse advised her to go to hospital to get it checked.

Amy Williams said Kells was a known drugs-user and she was concerned about infectious diseases. She said her children were now very worried about her working at the prison and the incident has made her reflect on life.

Prosecutor­s said Ms Jenkins could not drive as her shoulder was too painful to use the handbrake or change gear. She said she told her family about what happened and they questioned whether she should change job.

Mr Stanway said Kells had 144 previous offences on his criminal record, including affray and inflicting grievous bodily harm.

These offenders were sent to prison in July.

Kells, 33, from Aeron Close in Barry, admitted three counts of assaulting emergency workers.

David Leathley, defending, said he was sentenced in July 2018 for burglary and was due to be released the day after the assaults.

The court heard Kells apologised to Amy Williams the next time he saw her and to Ms Jenkins about two weeks after the incident.

Mr Leathley said his client had previously been a “law-abiding” prisoner and respected the officers. He told the court Kells was not under the influence of alcohol but was angry because he had been assaulted.

The defence barrister added: “He had been the victim of quite a horrendous assault in his own cell by other inmates. He was jumped upon in the cell and badly beaten.”

He said Kells thought his cellmate was being assaulted and accepted he was “misguided” but suggested he was acting in an “altruistic frame of mind” by looking out for his cellmate.

Mr Leathley described the assaults as “tussling” and suggested his client was not intending to strike Ms Jenkins’ jaw. He said the injury was “reckless”.

He said: “This was not a premeditat­ed attempt to jump the officers. It was a spontaneou­s error of judgement on his part. He is very, very deeply sorry.”

The barrister described him as a “home-loving lad” who discovered days before the incident that his mother had been diagnosed with incurable cancer. She has since died.

In his sentencing remarks Judge Richard Williams said it was a “deliberate attack” on officers bravely trying to maintain order.

He said: “Any inmate who lays a hand on a prison officer can expect to be dealt with severely.”

The judge said the sentences on the three counts must run consecutiv­ely and jailed Kells for 14 months.

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