South Wales Echo

Mum kicked to the face in argument over children

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A MUM left another parent with a “deep gash” on her face by kicking her during a fight about their children.

Katie Roberts kicked Karen Duggan while she was on the floor and caused a 3cm wound to her right eyebrow.

Sentencing her at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Eleri Rees said it was “quite shocking” that the mothers got involved in a physical fight.

The court heard the incident happened in Caerphilly at about 2.10pm on June 26 last year.

Prosecutor Bethan Evans said Ms Duggan, who is in her 50s, was visiting her aunt in Farm Close, Oakdale. She saw Roberts standing outside and pointing at her, so went over to find out why.

The court heard there had been a previous dispute between the women regarding their children, but no charges were brought.

Prosecutor­s said there was an argument and a witness described Roberts being aggressive, putting her nose against Ms Duggan’s nose and being “in her face”.

Ms Evans told the court the complainan­t pushed her away and: “The defendant swung and struck her to the face, which caused her to go to the floor.”

The court heard the fight continued until the women were pulled apart.

Prosecutor­s said Roberts kicked the victim to the face while she was on the ground, causing a 3cm cut to her eyebrow and bruising and swelling to her eyelids.

Roberts did not answer any questions in her police interview and Ms Duggan did not make a victim personal statement.

Roberts, 33, from Farm Close in Oakdale, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent.

Edward Mitchard, defending, said his client had no previous conviction­s and suggested the offending was “completely out of character”.

He told the court she looks after three children and handed up references from a headteache­r and dance group. Mr Mitchard pointed out the case took more than a year to come to court.

Roberts was given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

She was ordered to complete 20 days of a rehabilita­tion activity and pay £500 in compensati­on, plus a £140 victim surcharge.

 ?? RICHARD WILLIAMS ?? A postbox on Queen Street, Cardiff, which has been decorated to mark England winning the Cricket World Cup, has been criticised A POSTBOX to mark England’s recent Cricket World Cup win has been put up in Cardiff.
Following England’s win, a white and gold postbox has been unveiled on Queen Street.
Royal Mail said it is to “honour” the victory of the men’s team in 2019 and the women’s team in 2017.
Despite being located in the Welsh capital, the postbox has no mention of Wales.
The name of the England cricket team has caused debate for years
RICHARD WILLIAMS A postbox on Queen Street, Cardiff, which has been decorated to mark England winning the Cricket World Cup, has been criticised A POSTBOX to mark England’s recent Cricket World Cup win has been put up in Cardiff. Following England’s win, a white and gold postbox has been unveiled on Queen Street. Royal Mail said it is to “honour” the victory of the men’s team in 2019 and the women’s team in 2017. Despite being located in the Welsh capital, the postbox has no mention of Wales. The name of the England cricket team has caused debate for years
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