South Wales Echo

We must change public view of addiction and how to tackle it

- Will Hayward will.hayward@walesonlin­

TO SAY that drugs and associated homelessne­ss are becoming a problem in Cardiff is a gross understate­ment.

It is blighting our city in so many different ways.

There are the people stabbed to death in alleged drug-related attacks.

There are communitie­s like Butetown, where parents have to check a play area before their children play as there are likely to be dirty needles left around.

There are the independen­t businesses in town, especially around St Mary Street, who have had a serious dent to their income because they can’t put tables outside due to antisocial behaviour.

There are the children who, at the age of only eight, can identify who the drug dealer is in their area.

There is the miserable state of parts of the city centre, where mess and the smell of urine, associated with the issue, are ever-present.

However, by far the biggest cost is borne by the people who are stuck in this cycle.

Cycle is probably not fully representa­tive – vortex is better.

These are some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

They have serious addictions and often really complicate­d mental health issues.

And yet our laws have trapped them in this vortex.

The homelessne­ss issue in Cardiff is not a matter of there not being enough beds - there are.

One of the key problems is that although these people can find accommodat­ion, they are not able to sustain accommodat­ion.

This is because when places like the Huggard find one of their residents taking or possessing illegal drugs they have to chuck them back out onto the streets.

To be clear - they do not want to do this.

The Huggard would much rather offer them a safe area where they can take their drugs.

It is the law that prevents them from doing this.

Under the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971 you are can not “facilitate somebody taking illicit substances” and could, in theory, be prosecuted for doing so.

So, these people are going to take drugs because they are addicted.

This means as a society we have three choices:

1. We treat these people like criminals. We arrest them, jail them for possessing illegal drugs and they spend the rest of their miserably short lives at our expense clogging up our already overcrowde­d prisons.

2. We treat them like they are not our problem. We don’t arrest them and let them shoot up in our parks and streets. They will fall asleep every night on hard concrete and huddle in a sleeping bag through the winter for the rest of their miserably short lives.

3. We treat them like human beings with a serious illness. We provide a safe place to take their drugs where they are not a danger to themselves or others. This means we can maintain consistent contact and treat them. They then have a chance to live out long and happy lives, costing the public nothing in the long term.

If you are thinking that option three is the best, you are right.

Luckily, there is already a huge amount of research into the issue and this solution is not a pipe dream.

The solution is the drug consumptio­n room.

The first one was opened in Berne, Switzerlan­d in June 1986 and there are now dozens of countries round the world who use them.

They are simply a supervised, hygienic room where people can go to use illegal drugs.

This means that they are not shooting up in a park, they are not sharing needles, they are not leaving their needles and we are able to provide support to get them out of their predicamen­t. If you approach our drug crisis from a purely criminal point of view - ie “taking drugs is illegal and we can do nothing to promote it” - you probably think this is madness.

And to that I have two points. Firstly, all the evidence suggests that it will in fact reduce drug taking in the long run, save lives and reduce drug associated antisocial behaviour. Secondly, homeless services in the city are calling for drug consumptio­n rooms to be allowed. They are not doing this for a laugh. They are people best placed to know how to do their job and they say these measures are essential.

And yet, despite all this, the UK government refuses to act.

Back in 2016, the public advisory body, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, recommende­d that the rooms be trialled.

However, only this month the UK Government said that it had “no plans to introduce them”.

In a fit of woeful incompeten­ce, Victoria Atkins MP said in a letter: “The government is not prepared to sanction or condone activities that support ...the availabili­ty of drugs and causes harm to individual­s and communitie­s.”

Let’s be clear, this is not an informed decision to improve people’s lives.

This decision was made because it is politicall­y toxic to suggest that the current approach to drugs is awful and you can’t “crack down” on someone who is ill.

We need to change the public view of addiction and how to tackle it.

That way the government making an informed decision based on evidence will be a vote winner rather than a vote loser.

Homeless services in the city are calling for drug consumptio­n rooms to be allowed. They are not doing this for a laugh

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