South Wales Echo

It’s crazy how taxing Strictly is on the body

Stand-up comic and Strictly star Chris Ramsey talks back spasms, groin injuries and Photoshopp­ed muscles, with LUKE RIX-STANDING

- Chris Ramsey: Approval Needed is on Amazon Prime now, and the Chris Ramsey 20/20 tour starts on March 26, 2020. See chrisramse­ for tickets.

IT’S hard to think of anyone, with the possible exception of Meghan Markle, who’s having a bigger 2019 than Chris Ramsey.

A 106-date tour of the nation, the first Amazon Prime special by a UK comic, and, of course, competing on Strictly Come Dancing – the Tyneside-born funnyman has been a near-constant presence on stage and screen.

In February, Chris, 33, added another string to his bow with Sh**ged, Married, Annoyed, a chart-topping podcast in which he and wife Rosie air their marital gripes, and field queries from listeners.

And he and Rosie also have their little boy, Robin, who will turn four in October, to keep them busy.

The comedian took some time out just before Strictly began, to talk pre-performanc­e nerves and getting fit for the dance floor...

Your schedule is packed to say the least – are you relishing every minute or wondering what you’ve let yourself in for?

IT’S a double-edged sword, because this was supposed to be my year off! I’ve been working non-stop since my son was born, with two series of my TV show and a tour last year. I’ve still been at home a bit recently, but it’s one of those things – when you’re in this game, you can’t turn down stuff you want to do.

If someone says, ‘Do you want to do an Amazon Prime special?’ Yeah! I want to do an Amazon Prime special! Do you want to do Strictly – er, yes. And then after Strictly you’ve got to tour... It’s an absolute blessing to be so busy, so you can’t complain about it.

You’re the first British comic to do a Prime special, and Strictly is massive. Are these ‘I’ve made it’ moments for you?

I’LL be honest with you, for me, there’s never an ‘I’ve made it’ moment. I don’t know if it’s my mentality, but there’s always more you can do – the next rung up the ladder. That’s not to say I’m not happy with where I am, but I’m never contented to sit back.

You must be used to the performing, but the Strictly nerves are notorious. Do you ever get stage fright?

I THINK I’m normally scared of myself, rather than the crowd – will I be able to do it this time? We did a group dance for the launch and I can’t remember being worried. You can hide in a group number, though. When it’s just me and my partner [Strictly profession­al Karen Hauer] dancing, it will be a different thing.

Do you ever struggle to get in the zone at the start of a set, or to switch off at the end?

IN every job, there are moments you’re not as ‘on’ as you’d like to be, and I’ve done shows where I’ve felt a step behind. You can’t smash it out of the park every time. I aim to, and normally I do the job the way I want to, but especially when you’re doing new material, sometimes you just can’t hit the rhythm.

Strictly is often more physically taxing than people expect – have you come across that yet?

I WENT to the physio four times before we even started! I had work done on my calf, I had acupunctur­e for a back spasm, and then in my groin... I wasn’t warming up properly and that’s a good lesson to learn early on.

It’s crazy how physically taxing it is, and there’s a good reason these dancers look like gods and goddesses – they’re absolutely shredded. They’re top-flight athletes, there’s no other way of putting it.

Are you doing anything new for your fitness?

IT’S the recovery I’m worried about. I’m one of those people that can get off the sofa and bang out a 5k with no training, but I can’t walk for three days afterwards. I’ve had a message from my partner telling me to start doing cardio. She also sent a Photoshopp­ed image of my head on a really muscly body – apparently that’s what I’m going to look like!

How tough is it staying healthy and performanc­e-ready on tour?

IT’S really hard – you’re always tired, and it’s a different bed every night. Apparently, when you’re in a strange bed, only half your brain goes to sleep, and my track record for sleeping in hotels isn’t great.

Once I was arrested in a hotel wearing nothing but my underpants. The police thought I was someone else, so they kicked my door in and marched me down the corridor!

Sh**ged, Married, Annoyed recently charted at number one. What’s the best advice you’d give to a new dad?

TRY to be patient. I know sometimes I’m not, and when you and your partner are arguing and the baby is crying, you think, ‘Was that really worth getting worked up about?’

It’s also important that couples don’t just become parents – you were a couple before the kid came along, and you have to make time for yourselves. The podcast really helped us communicat­e – telling each other what’s wrong, rather than pretending everything is fine.

What misconcept­ions did you have about parenthood?

THAT it wouldn’t change my life. I’d thought I’d be basically the same – absolutely not. It’s not bad, though. I don’t play Playstatio­n as much as I used to, but I don’t want to. When I’ve got free time, I like playing with my son – he’s my little best mate. Your heart just grows inside when you have a kid.

I think I’m normally scared of myself, rather than the crowd – I think will I be able to do it this time?

Chris Ramsey

 ??  ?? Chris ready for his 106-date tour and, far left, with dance partner Karen Hauer, ready to strut their stuff
Chris ready for his 106-date tour and, far left, with dance partner Karen Hauer, ready to strut their stuff
 ??  ?? Chris and wife Rosie
Chris and wife Rosie

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