South Wales Echo

‘nobody should ever go to work and not return’


THE workers’ widows yesterday spoke of the devastatin­g loss of their husbands, telling how they had been robbed of their soulmates.

In emotional statements, Peter O’Brien’s wife, Marie, told how all happy occasions were tinged with sadness, while Mark Sim’s wife Samantha revealed a “void” had ben left in the hearts of the family.

Mrs O’Brien said: “We had been together since 1986 when I was just 18. We were a real partnershi­p and were the best of friends. He was my absolute soulmate.

“We spent so much time together at home raising our family. I felt Peter was a part of me. We came together as a pair and made every decision together.

“Peter was a great father, he was involved in all aspects of his children’s lives.

“We enjoyed a lot of camping trips and activities together.

“As our kids began to head off to university and the world of work his support continued. He was proud of his family and loved us all very much and we loved him...

“He joined Celsa on March 31, 2014. We were all so proud of him. He was excited to be going back to the steelworks as an engineer.

“Since the day of the explosion our lives have become defined by two eras – before and after the accident.

“The sudden and traumatic loss of Peter has changed our lives completely...

“I think about Peter and the accident all the time. I find it difficult to drive to Cardiff Bay because I have to pass the steelworks...

“The past two years has taken its toll on all of us.

“Every event, no matter how happy, has been shrouded in sadness.

“Peter will never meet any of his grandchild­ren. He was such a great family man – it is so unfair.

“The events of November 18, 2015 should never have happened.

“The lengthy legal procedure has made it very difficult for us to move forward.

“More than anything, we hope that no other family has to go through what we have had to go through...

“All happy occasions are all tinged with sadness because Peter should have been here with us.

“We will always love and miss Peter very much but we need to find some closure now.

“Nobody should ever go to work and not return.”

Meanwhile, Mrs Sim said: “This has been the most traumatic experience I have ever had to deal with.

“I have had to watch my children go through the traumatic emotions.

“This has been very difficult for me, not being able to take their pain away.

“I rely on family and friends to help me through.

“The death of Mark has left a void in our hearts...

“Not a day goes by when we don’t mention his name.”

 ??  ?? Marie O’Brien, left, gives a statement
Marie O’Brien, left, gives a statement

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