South Wales Echo

Expectant dad took his own life days after seeking help

- THOMAS DEACON Reporter thomas.deacon@walesonlin­

AN expectant dad took his own life days after asking for help with his mental health.

Dai Crofts was 24 when he was found dead in January.

His family said in the days before he had pleaded to be hospitalis­ed following psychotic episodes.

An inquest at Pontypridd Coroner’s Court yesterday heard that Mr Crofts had long struggled with his mental health and had been diagnosed with depression in 2013 and was sectioned under the Mental Health Act five years later.

He attended hospital on both January 7 and 9 this year and asked to be admitted, but was given oral medication and sent home.

The following day, January Crofts took his own life.

Despite family concerns, coroner Graeme Hughes found that trawlerman Mr Crofts, of Wick, Vale of Glamorgan, received appropriat­e care from the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and recorded a narrative conclusion.

His family said they wanted to see better support for men with mental health issues and for better mental health care across Wales.

Mr Crofts’ mental health issues started in his late teens with depression and anxiety, and gradually deteriorat­ed to include paranoid and delusional thoughts.

The symptoms intensifie­d following the birth of his son Harrison in April 2018, and the following month he was sectioned under the Mental Health Act. He spent time under observatio­n at Llandough Hospital before being released.

The inquest heard that Mr Crofts, who was born in Wrexham, started a relationsh­ip with Jessica Beard in 2017 and the pair got engaged in June 2018.

In a statement read to the court Ms Beard, who was pregnant with their second child at the time of her fiance’s death, said: “He desperatel­y wanted to be sectioned due to voices telling him to kill himself.”

His family said that shortly after discoverin­g Ms Beard was expecting their second child he asked to be sectioned again.

On January 7, 2019 the couple went to Barry Hospital, where Mr Crofts was seen by an occupation­al therapist.

Mr Crofts asked to be prescribed medication but as no doctor was available to see him, that was not possible.

An appointmen­t was scheduled for January 9, where Mr Crofts spent around an hour with qualified GP and psychiatri­st Dr Alison McLain.

During the appointmen­t he was prescribed three medication­s to help deal with depression, anxiety and psychotic symptoms. 10, Mr

The next day Mr Crofts told his partner he was going for a drive “to clear his head” at around 10pm.

Ms Beard later became concerned after he was not responding to her text messages.

She tracked his location via his mobile phone to a car park in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Ms Beard found his vehicle but there was no sign of her fiance.

She later called South Wales Police and officers found Mr Croft’s body nearby. Mr Crofts was pronounced dead at around 1.20am on January 11.

A post-mortem report found no contributi­ng levels of drugs or alcohol in Mr Crofts system, and his medical cause of death was recorded as hanging.

The inquest heard evidence from occupation­al therapist Sarah Ames who saw Mr Crofts on January 7.

Ms Ames said: “He was a bit confused. He was insightful to know he was unwell. He wanted to start some anti-psychotic medication.”

Following his request, Ms Ames spoke with Dr McLain who said as she was unable to see Mr Crofts in person she could not prescribe medication. The appointmen­t was however made.

When asked how Mr Crofts reacted to the decision, Ms Ames said: “I think he was pleased. I would imagine he would have liked to have had something sooner - but he was accepting of that plan.”

Ms Ames added that Mr Crofts did not appear to be “upset or distressed”, and did not warrant the involvemen­t of the Crisis Team which deals with patients deemed to be at a greater risk.

During his appointmen­t with Dr McLain on January 9, the inquest heard he described himself as “worried and possessed”.

Dr McLain told the inquest: “I do not recall anything remarkable about his presentati­on.

“He was quite able and ready to tell his story, and he was well supported by his partner.”

She added: “I absolutely thought he did not want to harm himself and I still believe that.

“He said he wanted to get better, he had a lot to live for. He recognised he was ill. He knew he needed treatment.”

When asked if he appeared to be a danger to himself, Dr McLain replied “no”.

Dr McLain said she did not directly recall Mr Crofts asking to be admitted to hospital.

Coroner Graeme Hughes said: “Having heard evidence from Sarah Ames I am satisfied he [Mr Crofts] was appropriat­ely assessed in terms of his treatment and medication.

“I accept the evidence of Ms Ames and Dr McLain that it would have not been appropriat­e to prescribe anti-psychotic medication without assessment.”

Mr Hughes added Mr Crofts was “properly” assessed on January 9 and that there was no “clear” risk of self-harm.

He said: “I do not find the involvemen­t of the mental health services approximat­e to January 10 caused or contribute­d to his death.”

Speaking after the inquest Mr Crofts’ mother Andrea Prevett described her son as “loving, funny and cheeky”.

Ms Prevett said: “Dai was a happy child, a caring and proud man and an incredibly dedicated father to Harrison.

“He loved the outdoors and his family, and wanted nothing more than to support and provide for them.

“His death means his children will never benefit from his love and care, and we all experience this loss profoundly.”

For confidenti­al support the Samaritans can be contacted for free around the clock 365 days a year on 116 123.

 ??  ?? Dai Crofts with his fiancee and mother of his two children Jessica Beard
Dai Crofts with his fiancee and mother of his two children Jessica Beard
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