South Wales Echo

Leaders can ‘see pathway’ to deal

- Leo Varadkar and Boris Johnson met on the Wirral

BORIS JOHNSON and Irish premier Leo Varadkar have said they can “see a pathway” to a possible Brexit deal.

Following more than two hours of talks at a country manor on the Wirral, the two leaders said they believed a deal was “in everybody’s interests”.

In a joint statement, they said they would now “reflect further” on their discussion­s while their officials would continue to “engage intensivel­y”.

“Both continue to believe a deal is in everybody’s interest. They agreed that they could see a pathway to a possible deal,” the statement said.

“They agreed to reflect further on their discussion­s and that officials would continue to engage intensivel­y on them.”

The meeting at the 19th-century Thornton Manor was seen as a last chance for Mr Johnson to save his hopes of getting agreement on a Brexit deal ahead of next week’s crucial EU summit.

In their statement, the two leaders said their discussion­s had concentrat­ed on the “challenges” of future customs arrangemen­ts and “consent” in Mr Johnson’s Brexit blueprint. The Irish and other EU government­s have objected to proposals to take Northern Ireland out of the EU customs union – along with the rest of the UK – meaning the return of customs checks on the island of Ireland.

They have also voiced strong concern about proposals in the plan for the new arrangemen­ts to require the consent of the Stormont Assembly, effectivel­y handing a veto to the DUP.

The statement said Mr Varadkar will now consult with Brussels while Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay will meet the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier.

The cautiously upbeat statement comes at the end of a week marked by acrimoniou­s exchanges between London, Dublin and Brussels in which the negotiatio­ns appeared close to collapse.

Briefings by anonymous No 10 sources accused Mr Varadkar of backtracki­ng on previous commitment­s to try to find a deal and of refusing to negotiate. Time remains tight, however, if there is to be an agreement in place for EU leaders to sign off at their summit on October 17 and 18 which would enable Mr Johnson to take Britain out of the EU on October 31 with a deal.

If there is no agreement, Mr Johnson will face demands from opposition parties to comply with the so-called Benn Act which would require him to go back to Brussels and request a further Brexit delay.

The Prime Minister has said that while he will abide by the law, he is determined to leave on October 31 come what may.

Government sources have said ministers are preparing to hold an emergency Saturday sitting of Parliament on October 19.

Many MPs believe that if he cannot get a deal, Mr Johnson will use the occasion to lambast them for thwarting an agreement, laying the ground for a “people versus Parliament” general election, possibly as early as next month.

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