South Wales Echo

Driver jailed for 100mph car chase on the M4

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A DRIVER in a stolen car was chased by three police vehicles and a helicopter as he undertook cars on the M4 at more than 100mph.

Stuart Lane-Davies sped across a roundabout without stopping before crashing into a car, which he pushed onto the central reservatio­n – writing off the vehicle and injuring the driver.

Sentencing him at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Eleri Rees said: “This was an appalling piece of dangerous driving.”

The court heard a police officer saw the defendant driving a Vauxhall Astra, which had been reported stolen, on the M4 at 12.50pm on February 4.

Anthony Cheung, prosecutin­g, said Lane-Davies accelerate­d when he spotted the police car.

The officer described his driving as “erratic” as he tried to force other vehicles out of his way.

Prosecutor­s said the officer gave chase and the pursuit, involving two other police cars and a helicopter, was caught on his dash cam.

The court heard Lane-Davies undertook other cars at 100mph and, at one point, the officer had to drive at 116mph to keep up with him.

Mr Cheung said he came off the motorway at Pencoed and sped straight across a roundabout without stopping to check if the road was clear.

The defendant collided with a Citroen on the A473, with the force of the impact pushing the car up on to the central reservatio­n.

Mr Cheung said: “Colin Gilchrist saw the defendant coming towards him at speed.”

The court heard the victim did not have a chance to react, as the Astra was coming towards him so fast.

Prosecutor­s said Lane-Davies ran off in one direction and his passenger in the other.

Mr Gilchrist went to the Royal Glamorgan Hospital later that day and was found to have injuries to his neck, arm and hip.

The court heard he is still experienci­ng pain and discomfort and is expected to need physiother­apy for several more months.

His car was written off and he does not feel confident to drive any more, relying on his partner for lifts.

Prosecutor­s said Lane-Davies had 31 offences on his record and has never passed a driving test.

The defendant claimed this was the first time he had ever driven a car, but the judge said: “I do not accept that for a second. The first time he has been caught driving a car.” He was jailed for six months in July for burgling a tanning shop and was due to be released in November.

Lane-Davies, 21, who does not have a fixed address, admitted dangerous driving, handling stolen goods and making off without payment.

Aled Watkins, defending, said: “He is still a young man. He had a very difficult childhood.”

The court heard his father was homeless for years due to problems with addiction and he had a “strained” relationsh­ip with his mother.

Mr Watkins said his client left school with no qualificat­ions and has not had a permanent address since he was 16, instead “sofa surfing” with friends and family.

He added the defendant has spent time living on the streets, as he does not want to stay in hostels because that is where his father developed his addictions.

Mr Watkins said: “He does not want to go down that road.”

The defendant said he behaved in the way he did because he “panicked” when he saw the police car.

Judge Rees said the offending appeared to have had a “profound effect” on the victim’s life and it was lucky that no one was killed.

She told the defendant: “You put at risk, not only yourself and your passenger, but other road users, in particular the police officers having to give chase.”

Lane-Davies was jailed for 16 months and disqualifi­ed from driving for two years from the time of his release.

He must also take an extended test before being allowed behind the wheel.

 ??  ?? Stuart Lane-Davies
Stuart Lane-Davies

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