South Wales Echo

‘Mona means world to me’


Pet’s name: Mona Lisa (Mona for short).

Age: Eight.

Breed: Border collie.

Owner: Daniel Butcher, 32, from Tonypandy.

Owner’s story: Daniel said: “Mona came into my life like a whirlwind.

“From the start, she turned my life upside down.

“She has been with me through thick and thin.

“I absolutely love my Mona with all my heart, she has been there through the death of my mother and many break-ups and she is the one constant I can count on always being there.

“I love waking up in the morning to take her for a walk before I go to work.

“Thankfully I work part-time and by the time I get home at around 1pm, she is raring to go out for another walk, which I am more than happy to take her for.

“She loves to play fetch and play with her toys, but I honestly believe that she also loves our cuddles and chill time with each other.

“Her favourite food is beef, which I always get for her every other day from the local butcher near where I work.

“Watching her be as happy as she is is one of the most life-affirming things I experience.

“There is nothing quite like her pawing my hand as to when she gets hungry or lets me know that she needs to go out for the toilet.

“She plays well with other dogs as well, which is a blessing as to see her run around the field with others is wonderful.

“I like to believe that we look after each other and help meet new people and see the world through each other’s eyes.

“Having Mona in life means the world to me.”

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