South Wales Echo

Man back in prison after spitting at police officer

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A MAN who had just been released from custody ended up back behind bars after spitting at a police officer.

Kyle Jones was arrested for assaulting an emergency worker the day after he was sentenced for criminal damage and assault.

Sentencing him at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Eleri Rees said: “The court takes a very serious view of any assault on a police officer.” The court heard police were called to the home of Jones’ former partner on June 27.

She told officers she wanted him to leave her address, but he would not.

Suzanne Payne, prosecutin­g, said the defendant had been released from custody the previous day.

Officers tried to find him somewhere to stay, but they could not, and he was arrested for breach of the peace just before 10.15pm.

Prosecutor­s said Jones was taken to Newport Central Police Station, where he spat at an officer.

Ms Payne told the court: “The saliva landed on the officer’s face.”

Jones was arrested for assaulting an emergency worker. The court heard he had four previous conviction­s.

He was given a 10-month jail term, suspended for 24 months, in July 2017 for violent disorder.

Prosecutor­s said he was given a sixmonth conditiona­l discharge on June 26 for common assault and criminal damage.

Ms Payne told the court the assault happened outside a supermarke­t on April 24, when Jones asked a man for a cigarette. The man refused and the defendant threw a punch, which hit the man’s sister.

The court heard the criminal damage happened five days later at his mother’s house, when he kicked her door.

Jones, 24, who does not have a fixed address, admitted assaulting an emergency worker in breach of a suspended sentence and conditiona­l discharge.

Jones was jailed for six months and must pay a £115 victim surcharge.

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