South Wales Echo



Introduce us to Super Marine – who is in the band?

I’m Rhys Davis and I sing and play guitar, the rest of the band are Matt Davies on guitar, Dan Barrell on bass and Jay Price on drums.

How did you get together? Myself and Jay have been playing music together for years, I had written a bunch of songs and wanted to put a band together but needed to find the right guys, I found an ad for a bassist and gave Dan a call and Matt was recommende­d to me by a friend. We all hit it off straight away so there’s a great atmosphere in the band.

How would you describe your music to the uninitiate­d?

I’d describe our music as indie rock with big singalong choruses and loud guitars.

Influences are vast within the band but I personally have been influenced by bands like The Police, U2, Kings of Leon, Jeff Buckley, Beck and loads more.

What is your earliest musical memory?

My earliest musical memory is probably being sat in the back of my parents’ car aged maybe four or five and listening to the music they’d have on in the car and picturing myself as a rockstar up on the stage.

Who was your earliest musical influence?

My dad was my first musical influence. He plays guitar and I remember being mesmorised by his playing as a kid, he exposed me to music I’d have never heard otherwise.

What made you want to pick up an instrument and play? Hearing Steve Vai play guitar is what made me take up the instrument, he’s phenomenal. When I was young it was my dream to play like him but as you grow as a musician you get exposed to other music that helps shape how you play.

What was the first record you bought and where did you buy it? The first CD I ever bought was an ‘80s compilatio­n album full of the classics. I’m sure I bought it in Asda when I was 12 maybe.

What was the first gig you attended?

I went to see Joe Satriani in Cardiff with my dad, I think I was eight at the time. We were in the fourth row and it was amazing.

What’s the best gig/s you’ve been to?

I went to see The 1975 in Cardiff a few years ago, I love their music but the performanc­e was incredible.

What’s the best gig you’ve played?

Probably our recent gig at the Blackwood Miners Institute. We sold it out so played to a packed room of people in our hometown, made even better by the fact we had the crowd singing along the whole night! Can’t ask for any better than that.

Who would be your dream artiste to work with?

Hard question as there are so many great artists out there. I’ll say James Dean Bradfield as we’re both Blackwood boys.

Where can we find out more about you? (Twitter/Facebook/ Website etc)

Facebook: supermarin­eband Spotify: Super Marine Instagram: supermarin­eband

■■ If you have a gig coming up or are releasing material and would like to be featured in this column, email Dave Owens at david.owens@, call 029 2024 3628 or tweet @asoundreac­tion

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