South Wales Echo

Knifeman jailed after ‘man fell on his blade’


- LIZ DAY Reporter­ Lloyd Paterson has been jailed

A MAN nearly died after a knife pierced his heart during a fight outside a social club in Cardiff.

Antonio Borg suffered injuries to his internal organs after the knife went into his abdomen and would have died if a friend had not rushed him to hospital.

Speaking at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Neil Bidder QC said: “Public concern about the carrying by young people of knives is very high at present – and justifiabl­y so. The courts must do what they can to deter young people from carrying knives.”

Lloyd Paterson, who was originally investigat­ed for attempted murder, pleaded guilty yesterday to possessing a bladed article.

The incident happened outside Pengam Moors Social Club on Seawall Road in Cardiff on August 24.

There was a party inside and some people were standing in the yard at the back of the venue.

Paterson came into the yard and the court heard there was a “history of bad feeling” between him and Mr Borg.

CCTV footage showed Mr Borg running towards the defendant and “grappling” with him as they both went to the floor.

Bethan Evans, prosecutin­g, said Paterson produced a knife from his waistband. The court heard the blade went into Mr Borg’s abdomen, causing injuries to his internal organs and partially penetratin­g his heart.

Judge Bidder said: “Had he not been taken to hospital immediatel­y, he would have died.”

Mr Borg was taken to hospital in a friend’s car and the police went to visit him in intensive care to see if they could speak to him.

Prosecutor­s said he refused to give a statement and there was nothing to set against Paterson’s account as Mr Borg was the only person who could say what happened out of sight of the CCTV.

The defendant ran away down the street, chased by other people. When he was interviewe­d by the police two days later, he said he went to the social club with a friend who went inside to buy drinks.

He stated Mr Borg ran towards him when he went into the yard and he showed him the knife he was carrying in his waistband to scare him.

The defendant told officers Mr Borg took him to the floor and “fell on the knife”, which pierced his stomach. He said he was acting in self-defence.

Judge Bidder said he was satisfied the defendant deliberate­ly carried the knife to the scene and produced it. He said it was clear, due to the history between the men and their families, that there would be some kind of disorder.

James Hartson, for Paterson, said his client did not wish to enter a basis of plea.

Paterson, 22, from Clydesmuir Road in Splott, Cardiff, admitted possessing a bladed article. The defendant was originally investigat­ed for attempted murder, then charged with wounding with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm and unlawful wounding – which he denied.

Ms Evans said his guilty plea would be accepted by the Crown and asked for the other counts to lie on file.

Judge Bidder said: “I do think the public will want to know why the Crown Prosecutio­n Service are taking the decision.”

The prosecutor replied: “The complainan­t, despite repeated efforts from the police, has refused to engage.”

Judge Bidder said: “The prosecutio­n have taken the view. It is their decision.”

He said it is for the Crown Prosecutio­n Service, not the judge, to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to bring a charge before the crown court.

The judge said: “I acknowledg­e the constituti­onal position. I acknowledg­e that it is for the prosecutio­n to decide.”

He ordered the wounding counts to lie on file and sentenced Paterson on the count of knife possession.

The court heard the defendant had previous offences on his record including attempted burglary, dangerous driving, theft from a vehicle, shopliftin­g and fraud.

He had two cautions as a youth for battery, but no previous conviction­s for offences relating to violence or weapons.

Mr Hartson accepted the knife was used to inflict a “near-fatal wound”.

He said it was clear from the footage that Mr Borg was the aggressor, as he ran at Paterson, intent on fighting him, then chased him away.

The defence barrister said: “His case is the complainan­t fell on his blade when the complainan­t took him down to the ground.”

Judge Bidder noted the officer in the case made “great efforts” to encourage the chief witness to cooperate, but he refused.

He said: “In my view, it would be wrong for me to ignore the fact that as a result of that knife being carried to the scene, a man was nearly killed.

“Public concern about the carrying by young people of knives is very high at present – and justifiabl­y so. The courts must do what they can to deter young people from carrying knives.

“This is a perfect example of what can happen if knives are carried.

“Had he not been rushed to hospital and treated with great skill, he would have died. The charge you would have been facing would have been murder or manslaught­er.”

Paterson was jailed for 20 months and will serve half of that in custody before being released on licence. He was ordered to pay a £149 victim surcharge.

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