South Wales Echo

Disqualifi­ed driver who tried to flee cops is jailed

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A DISQUALIFI­ED driver who led police on a chase punched an officer in the face as he tried to escape.

Aaron Madley lost control of the car and hit a wall, then jumped over garden walls in an effort to get away before lashing out at the officer pursuing him.

Sentencing him at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Neil Bidder QC said: “You resisted arrest with considerab­le violence.”

The court heard PC Peter Hoole was on patrol in a marked police car when he saw the defendant in Heol Trelai in Ely, Cardiff, just after 11pm on September 17.

Bethan Evans, prosecutin­g, said Madley – who was driving a Ford Fiesta – failed to stop when the officer turned on his blue lights.

She said he drove on to Canaston Place, mounted the grass area, and drove the wrong way around a roundabout.

The court heard Madley carried on to Bishopston Road, driving at 50mph in a 20mph zone, then went back on to Heol Trelai and drove on the wrong side of the road.

Prosecutor­s said he failed to stop at a give way sign and caused an oncoming vehicle to brake to avoid a collision.

The defendant lost control of the car and hit a wall before jumping out of the vehicle and climbing a garden wall.

Ms Evans said: “The defendant started to jump over garden walls from one garden to another.

“The officer walked alongside on the pavement. When the defendant reached the last garden wall he noticed what the officer was doing and tried to backtrack.

“The officer rugby-tackled the defendant to the ground. The defendant punched him to the face and the officer’s glasses came off.”

The court heard the officer, whose glasses were broken, said he had to hit Madley in self-defence.

Ms Evans said: “The defendant continued to lash out.”

PC Hoole was able to move from underneath the defendant to regain control. Another officer arrived and saw swelling to his colleague’s arm.

The court heard there was “enormous swelling” to his arm and he was treated for a suspected fracture to his elbow.

Prosecutor­s said the defendant had 25 previous offences on his record including affray, burglary and previous driving matters.

Madley, 24, from Cowbridge Road West in Cardiff, admitted driving dangerousl­y while disqualifi­ed without insurance and inflicting grievous bodily harm on a police officer.

David Rees, defending, asked for credit for his client’s guilty pleas and told the court: “He has had a very bad time since he has been in custody.”

In his sentencing remarks Judge Bidder said: “It is a heavily built-up area. You tried to escape and drove at excessive speed.

“It is pure good fortune that no other road user was involved in a collision with you.”

Madley was jailed for 16 months and disqualifi­ed from driving for two years from the time of his release. He must pay a £149 victim surcharge.

 ??  ?? Aaron Madley has been jailed
Aaron Madley has been jailed

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