South Wales Echo

Better cycleways will help reduce emissions


WE AT Cardiff Cycle City, a voluntary group seeking to promote cycling in Cardiff, were surprised to read in the Echo of November 14 that there had been anger over plans for a cycle super highway, and that the Bute Park Alliance and Cardiff Civic Society are critical of Cardiff council’s plans to develop safe cycleways through Sophia Gardens and Pontcanna Fields.

It is widely accepted that society has to encourage people to get out of their cars because of high levels of pollution, congestion, obesity and poor health. Providing safe cycle routes that are separate from cars and pedestrian­s are essential to make progress on this vital lifestyle change.

We understand that most of the proposed route from Cowbridge Road East to Western Avenue will use the existing Lime Avenue through Sophia Gardens. The planned additional sections of cycleway are to avoid the pinch points where cyclists currently share space with pedestrian­s, such as at the entrance by Canton Bridge, or with motor vehicles by the coach park.

Four-metre-wide cycleways are the norm in much of Europe and are essential to accommodat­e cyclists travelling in both directions, and of course the tricycles used by Pedal Power which provide such a great experience for people with less ability to cycle.

We fully appreciate and understand the importance of our wonderful parks but do not agree that encouragin­g cycling damages their tranquilli­ty, especially if there are separate paths for cyclists and pedestrian­s.

Yes, this will mean some additional tarmac, but unlike new roads which create emissions, this will be tarmac that reduces emissions by creating a safe cycle route linking north-west Cardiff with the city centre.

Richard Evans Cardiff Cycle City

Can’t trust the Tories

I MUST admit to a wry smile when I hear Tory promises concerning the NHS. I don’t trust them. Back when Nye Bevan and the then Labour Government were setting up the NHS the Tories fought tooth and nail against it, along with their lapdog doctors, who were obviously doing fine under the private set-up. They paid lip service to it over the years, then along came Margaret Thatcher who described the NHS as “the last bastion of socialism”.

Now it’s likely the Tories, in any trade deal with the US post-Brexit, would allow American firms to make more inroads into the NHS. Then what’s this I hear about plans to charge patients (£25 per visit?) to consult their GP? Turning back the clock 70+ years. Further, they apparently intend to increase the age of retirement to 75.

Brexit notwithsta­nding, I shall place my “X” next to the name of the Labour candidate – in this constituen­cy he has proved to be helpful and reliable over some years. And he represents a party whose philosophy is one of equality and social justice. The other lot (and in this constituen­cy it’s a two-horse race) represent the interests of a wealthy, self-serving elite.

Roger Kendall


Shamed by our trade in weapons

THE Guardian newspaper this week reported on possible corruption in past arms deals involving the export of arms from Britain to Saudi Arabia.

I loathe the arms trade, and it is regrettabl­e that Britain is so implicated in it, corruption or not. Perhaps the bigger issue is the nature of the trade itself ,and that the corruption (which is endemic in certain countries in the world) is a kind of a by-product, highly regrettabl­e though it is.

Ask Tony Blair, who some years ago halted inquiries into arms deals which could have led to the prosecutio­n of the major British companies involved for “reasons of state”. Hello Machiavell­i, and goodbye principled practices in internatio­nal trade in arms, the product of which kill and harm civilians among others in countries like Yemen.

Boris Johnson may sing from the same hymn book as Tony Blair on this one issue anyway. There are jobs involved in the arms trade unfortunat­ely when the British economy could be reconfigur­ed to make employment less contingent on the killing weapons of war, some wars themselves illegal in breach of internatio­nal law.

Michael O’Neill


It is widely accepted that society has to encourage people to get out of their cars Richard Evans

Will Rhondda turn into a rain forest?

HAVE you heard the latest proposed measures if certain political parties win the December 12 General Election?

We’ll begin with the Conservati­ve pledge to plant 30 million trees by 2025, and wait for it... not to be outdone, the Lib Dems intend to double that amount, and plant 60 million by 2025. But where are they going to get the land from because there have to be new houses built to cater for the immigratio­n in recent years. Or are they intending to build tree houses?

I only hope they don’t plant any more on the hillsides of my beloved Rhondda because between wind turbines and trees the Rhondda is becoming a hidden valley. Or is the intention to make the valley “The Rhondda Rain Forest”, but there again we don’t need any more rain than we get already. However, if they do plant more trees in Wales, can we have Treforest as the capital city?

And I hope Plaid Cymru doesn’t join in and pledge more, or else we might not be able to see Leanne Wood for the trees, so to speak.

Lyndon G Morgan

Gelli, Rhondda

Election promises need examining

IT’S pre-election time and the promises “fly like feathers”.

Is it not time to set up some form of “State of the Nation” post-mortem where the new Prime Minister answers questions on the progress of his/her election promises?

This could happen after six months and the questioner­s could be perhaps journalist­s or members of the public but in law there is penalty for false descriptio­ns.

Ron Boyce


I’ll donate – if we get pension justice

IN the past weeks, like many hundreds of thousands of UK citizens, I

have been receiving emails on a regular basis from the three main political parties in Westminste­r, asking to donate anything up to or more than £250 to support their party to get the keys to Number 10, as it is only their party that will treat the hard working people of this country with fairness.

I would like to say to the Conservati­ves, Labour and Liberal Democrats, all I ask of you is to put in your manifestos that you will compensate my former work colleagues at ASW and those in the Financial Assistance

Scheme after the deliberate robbing of their pensions, paying these pensions in full, 100 %. I and hundreds of thousands of others will then gladly donate to your party.

John Benson Dinas Powys

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