South Wales Echo

Drink-driver ‘grappled’ with man who tried to stop her driving away

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A DRINK-DRIVER “grappled” in a supermarke­t car park with a concerned passerby who tried to stop her from getting back behind the wheel.

Sarah Edwards, 42, who only had a provisiona­l driving licence, hit a metal post as she tried to park before she stumbled into Asda then tried to drive off again.

Cardiff Crown Court heard she got out of the car after hitting the post and told the witness: “S*** happens.”

Nik Strobl, prosecutin­g, said the incident happened in the car park of Asda at Ffald Road Shopping Centre in Pyle, Bridgend, on October 3.

He told the court: “The defendant has never held a full driving licence.”

The court heard Edwards tried to park a black Nissan Juke but hit a metal post as she tried to manoeuvre into the parking space.

Mr Strobl said: “She was drunk and stumbling as she made her way into the supermarke­t.”

The witness called the police and tried to stop her from driving off by standing behind the vehicle.

Mr Strobl added: “The defendant got out of the car and a struggle ensued.”

Judge Nicola Jones commended the passerby on his bravery, adding: “It takes courage to intervene.”

The court heard the defendant “grappled” with him and he had to restrain her physically. Another passerby, who did not realise what was happening, shouted at him to let her go.

Prosecutor­s said Edwards walked back to the vehicle and was found by police nearby. Mr Strobl said: “The officer could immediatel­y tell she was obviously extremely intoxicate­d.”

The court heard her speech was slurred and she was unsteady on her feet, having to lean against a wall.

A roadside breath test showed she had 77mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Another test at the police station showed 63mg. The legal limit is 35mg.

Prosecutor­s said she gave a “no comment” interview but entered guilty pleas at the first opportunit­y.

The court heard she had 20 previous offences on her record including drink-driving and driving without a licence.

She was given a 24-month prison sentence, suspended for 24 months, in November 2018 for running a fraudulent business.

Edwards, from Duffryn Crescent in Bryncae, Llanharan, admitted driving with excess alcohol, otherwise than in accordance with a licence, in breach of a suspended sentence.

James McKenna, defending, said his client had mental health problems and was engaging with her GP and mental health services.

Judge Jones told her: “You are hanging by a thread. You know how close you came to going into custody today.”

Edwards was fined £550 and given a six-month curfew. She was disqualifi­ed from driving for 22 months and ordered to pay £340 towards prosecutio­n costs plus a £55 victim surcharge.

 ??  ?? The incident happened in the car park of Asda at Ffald Road Shopping Centre in Pyle
The incident happened in the car park of Asda at Ffald Road Shopping Centre in Pyle

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