South Wales Echo

The Windsor war

- With Sara Wallis

THE no-holds-barred royal soap opera returns, sending up the royal family to brilliant effect. With jokes about everything from the Epstein scandal to Meghan’s avocado faux-pas, this satire does not pull any punches.

And the cast, who perform some wonderful impersonat­ions here, all look like they’re having a whale of a time.

“What a b***y mess,” says Prince William (Hugh Skinner), as this third series kicks off. He’s talking about Brexit and has received the news that it’s down to the Fab Four to cheer up Britain.

The Fab Four being, of course, Wills, Kate (Louise Ford), Harry (Tom Durant-Pritchard) and Meghan (Kathryn Drysdale).

“I’ll be aiming to do one royal duty every two days,” volunteers Wills. “And only some of them will be sporting events I’d have gone to anyway.”

Megs and Harry, who have just returned from six weeks in a wellness centre, are on board. And Kate, in a desperate effort to feel useful, decides to colour co-ordinate the kids in lavender and take them to Legoland.

Who wouldn’t be cheered by that? Meanwhile, determined to cause a rift between the four, Camilla (Haydn Gwynne) begins evil plotting.

Beatrice (Ellie White) has set up a drinks brand, GinVoddieR­um, and wants her sister Eugenie (Celeste Dring) to be her business partner.

And Prince Charles (Harry Enfield), Princess Anne (Vicki Pepperdine), Prince

Edward (Matthew

Cottle) and Prince

Andrew (Tim

Wallers) are striking from royal duties, in protest at the minimal rise to the Sovereign


With a wonderful cast this is a topical half hour of pure comedy joy.

 ??  ?? Megs (Kathryn Drysdale) and Harry (Tom DurantPrit­chard), left, return from a six-week wellness retreat to discover the royals are revolting
Megs (Kathryn Drysdale) and Harry (Tom DurantPrit­chard), left, return from a six-week wellness retreat to discover the royals are revolting
 ??  ??

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