South Wales Echo

Simone Joslyn


Aged 51

A qualified mental health nurse, but her current role is head of arts at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity

I have worked in the NHS for 33 years, over 20 years in clinical frontline roles.

I have been working to head up the Staff Haven at UHW to provide staff with food, snacks, hot drinks, but also an area where they can use the shower and address their mental well-being.

My husband is a healthcare assistant within mental health services at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. We have two children, 15 and 12, and we are juggling providing some care and support for them and working, both full time.

I expect to return to the frontline and I am ready as I still have nurse registrati­on and I’m on the register.

It was great to be involved in Nathan’s artwork. I have previously commission­ed Nathan to produce art so know how talented he is, but this was exceptiona­l, especially when many of us are overwhelme­d with the current situation and the pace and scale we are working at and being flexible in the roles we are providing.

Nathan is also a patron of the Cardiff & Vale Health Charity, the official charity of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, which I lead, so I know what empathy he has for NHS staff and the organisati­on.

He has done so much to help us and we are so grateful to him. I can’t wait to see the artwork on every site within the health board. We have commission­ed large vinyl banners for all our sites. The feedback to me and on social media has been overwhelmi­ng.

When I first saw it I was overcome and had a little cry. The outpouring of love for the NHS is much appreciate­d and good to see the staff at the frontline – porters, cleaners, nurses and doctors being appreciate­d and thanked.

I had a little cry and my daughter wasn’t sure why it had touched me and asked and I said I was not sure people would respond, but our street was alive with clapping, cheering, banging. It was very emotional and made me very proud to work in the NHS.

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