South Wales Echo



1. When does the UK tax year normally begin?

2. In which year did this begin?

3. What is the UK Income Tax Personal Allowance threshold this year?

4. Who took over from David Tennant to play the eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who?

5. Who was the third President of the United States?

6. Sharing its name with an English town, what is the

State capital of Nebraska?

7. Who is the current chancellor of the exchequer?

8. How old is he?

9. At 20,320ft what is the highest mountain in the United States?

10. Salpingiti­s is the medical term for the inflammati­on of which part of the body?

11. Who played Doctor Gregory House in the TV series House?

12. The Butut is the monetary unit of which country?

13. Chrometoph­obia is an irrational fear of what?

14. Who won the 1987 British Formula One Grand Prix?

15. What type of creature is a bonnethead?

16. The first chamber of commerce in Britain was founded in which city in 1783?

17. Which country hosts the world screaming championsh­ips?

18. In astronomy, what is the outermost region of a planet’s atmosphere called?

19. A bibliophil­e is a lover of what?

20. In which year did Captain Scott reach the South Pole?

21. Which British footballer’s autobiogra­phy is entitled Walking Tall?

22. George Williams founded what in London in 1844?

23. Which novelist wrote under the pseudonym Ellis Bell?

24. Steve Martin and

Goldie Hawn played an architect and waitress in which 1992 film

25. Who painted The Monarch of the Glen?

26. In which year was Britain’s first adhesive postage stamp, the Penny Black, issued?

27. In US politics who replaced Spiro Agnew as Richard Nixon’s vicepresid­ent in 1973?

28. What does TGV most commonly stand for?

29. Who was crowned King of Scotland in 1306?

30. The term ‘green-eyed monster’ originated from which of Shakespear­e’s plays?

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