South Wales Echo

Georgia Humphreys


Steph McGovern tells about The Steph Show and why she wanted to get an upbeat message out... even if it means filming the new series at home on her own

THE Steph Show was meant to be made in front of a live audience in a studio in Leeds.

But then the Covid-19 pandemic hit the UK – and a decision was made to film the new daily programme live from presenter Steph McGovern’s Yorkshire home instead.

“I just felt like we either postpone the show, because we’ve got to keep everyone safe, or we do it from my front room,” reasons the Middlesbro­ughborn journalist, best known for her time as a BBC Breakfast presenter.

“If you’d have asked me six months ago, ‘How would you feel about doing a show from your front room?’ I’d have said, ‘No way!’ But now I’m like, ‘Yes way!’, because I want to get on air. “

It’s proved to be a good call; since the series started airing on Channel 4 on March 30, the response on Twitter seems to be hugely positive.

So far, celebrity guests who have joined her on the show – via digital platforms like Skype – include TV personalit­y Keith Lemon (and his mother), Strictly star Anton du Beke, comedians Matt Lucas and Tom Allen, and presenter Stacey Dooley (whose boyfriend, Strictly’s Kevin Clifton, made an unexpected appearance during the interview). We also see Steph chat to “normal” people across the country about issues we are currently facing.

Another aim of the feelgood show is to give viewers tips and advice to help them through these uncertain times of selfisolat­ing.

“My premise of it is it’s like a positive power hour – which I like saying in my accent as well!” says Steph, who gave birth to her daughter last November (her first child with her girlfriend, whose identity she protects).

“It’s really driven by what I like to call the heroes and heart warmers. They’re the people out there doing stuff where you’re like, ‘Oh my god, they’re an ordinary person to the world, yet they’re doing really cool stuff, they’re helping people or they’re doing something to try and bring a bit of light relief to what’s going on’.

“I’d like to think within the hour we’re going to inspire people a bit as well, to go, ‘They’re just like me, and they’re doing something lovely, I wanna do that’.”

In the opening moments of the first episode, Steph, who specialise­s in economic and business news, showed viewers around the makeshift studio in her front room, which contains cameras but no operators.

She was a bit unsure about letting viewers have

Home working: a glimpse into her home life, she admits.

“I am a very private person in terms of my family and things like that. I don’t really talk about who they are or whatever, because I want to protect them, because I’m the media person, and this is my life, on telly.”

She continues: “I don’t have some massive, flashy house; hopefully people will see it and go ‘Oh, that looks a bit like mine!”’

Did her loved ones think she was crazy for deciding to do The Steph Show in this way?

“They’ve known I’m crazy all my life,” retorts the bubbly star, chuckling.

“Even when I was on maternity leave, and this opportunit­y came along, I was like, ‘Right, I’m gonna launch my own show!’ And they were like, ‘What?! You’re on maternity leave!’”

She notes how, having been at home on maternity leave the last five months, she has learned how important it is to keep communicat­ing with people – something which is relevant as the British public self-isolate and socially distance during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“You’ve got to keep talking to people while you’re looking after a baby, otherwise you’re just in this monotonous pattern every day, and not having that human interactio­n - and I think everybody needs a bit of interactio­n every day.

“So, I’ve been ringing my best mates every day, having a chat with them. I mean, we’re running out of chat, because nothing’s happening!”

■ The Steph Show, daily at midday on Channel 4

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