South Wales Echo

Lack of testing keeping firefighte­rs from work


MORE than 300 fire service staff in Wales are unable to go to work because they are self-isolating amid a lack of coronaviru­s testing.

Figures show, across Wales, 315 fire service staff are unable to serve the public because they are self-isolating at home.

Fire Brigades Union (FBU) officials have warned that many of these staff are able to return to work but are unable to due to a lack of testing.

At the moment, the official advice is that anyone who has symptoms of the virus should isolate for seven days.

If these staff were to be tested, they could have the all-clear to return to duty.

Matt Wrack, the FBU general secretary, said that not testing was “playing with fire”.

He added: “There are already thousands of firefighte­rs and control staff in self-isolation [across the UK], only a fraction of whom will have the disease.

“If we aren’t able to find out exactly who is infected, and more staff isolate unnecessar­ily, services will be put on a dangerous knifeedge.

“Of course, testing of NHS staff has to be a priority, but firefighte­rs and other emergency service personnel are also at serious risk.

“The very safety of the public relies on them being able to attend work.

“There needs to be a clear and deliverabl­e testing strategy for all workers required to continue at work.”

According to the FBU, the amount of staff isolating in different parts of Wales are: ■■Mid and West Wales – 114; ■■North Wales – 51; ■■South Wales – 150.

According to the Welsh Government, the new drive-in test centres will soon be testing non health workers, including firefighte­rs.

A Welsh Government spokesman said: “The testing centre at Leckwith (Cardiff) has started testing non-health key workers, including include fire, police, prison officers, care home workers in the South East Wales area.

“It currently has capacity to test 100 a day. We are increasing this capacity and these types of centres will be rolled out across Wales soon.”

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