South Wales Echo



WATCH the spring sunshine sparkle through this ice decoration.

Little objects such as petals, shells and pine needles can all be frozen inside to add colour and interest.


Small natural objects such as petals, leaves, shells and pine needles

A jug of water

A paper bowl or a similar-sized, freezerpro­of, food container

A blob of plasticine or Blu Tack

A freezer ribbon for hanging


1. Make a cylinder measuring about 2cm across and 4cm high from plasticine or Blu Tack and press it firmly in the centre of your bowl or container.

2. Arrange your natural objects in the bottom of your container. Pour in a small amount of water (about 1cm deep should do). Place your container in the freezer until the water turns to ice.

3. Take the container out of the freezer and add another 1cm of water and return to the freezer.

4. When this layer is frozen, add another shallow layer of water and freeze again. Leave until frozen solid.

5. Take the container out of the freezer and wait about a minute. Remove the ice from the container. A paper bowl can be peeled off and any bits of paper that get stuck can simply be rubbed away. If you used a plastic container you may need to warm up the outside of the container to free the ice. Try rubbing it with your hands. Carefully push the plasticine or Blu Tack out of the hole.

6. Thread ribbon through the hole and hang your icy creation up to catch the sun. If you can’t hang it outdoors, make sure you put a container underneath to catch all of the drips!

 ??  ?? Pretty cool: This pretty suncatcher makes a great garden decoration
Pretty cool: This pretty suncatcher makes a great garden decoration
 ??  ?? Step 2
Step 2

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