South Wales Echo

Stop the payments to players – Davies


WRU chairman Gareth Davies has sent out an impassione­d plea to Wales’ community clubs to stop paying players as the sport faces up to the challenges presented by the coronaviru­s pandemic.

The former Wales and Lions flyhalf believes there is an opportunit­y for a new beginning when the game finally emerges from the current crisis.

And he feels a key issue that has to be addressed in Welsh rugby is the payment of players at the grassroots level.

He has made his views known in a strongly-worded message which he has sent out to the clubs.

“The community game is the lifeblood of our sport, but there is one persistent factor at that level which I simply cannot fathom payment,” he said.

“Why do clubs, who exist for rugby and rugby alone so unnecessar­ily drain the very resources which could ensure long term sustainabi­lity by insisting on paying players?”

Reflecting on the current lockdown, he said: “After cancelling the season at the end of March, doors have been closed, lights have been switched off and costs have been minimised, in readiness for the time when we can switch everything back on again.

“But there are outliers who cannot turn off all the taps in this simple way.

“They are the amateur clubs who have players on contracts and with wage bills to sustain.

“In the profession­al game there have been negotiatio­ns and paycuts across the board, but in the amateur game this should not have been an issue.

“I know many of our Indigo Group Premiershi­p clubs, for example, are keen to use the current lull in playing to re-assess their own finances.

“At this level of the game, there is a willingnes­s already to more tightly control payments made to players and a widespread acceptance that this aspect of individual club business models is not currently fit for purpose.

“But, if the Premiershi­p must significan­tly tighten its belt, elsewhere payments must not be made at all.”

Davies continued: “We will have the opportunit­y soon, we hope, to start again. The opportunit­y is there for us all to sit down with our key stakeholde­rs and re-calibrate.

“Welsh rugby will return with renewed vigour. But please, dear clubs, I implore you let us start again with the right structure.

“If no club offers payment, then there will be no market for player wages and no club will feel the need. Use the money you save on attracting, developing and engaging players for the future or on ensuring your club remains the central hub of your community.”

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