South Wales Echo

Sharp decline in crime as people stay home in lockdown


POLICE forces in Wales have revealed the scale of the sharp drop in crime during the lockdown.

While officers have been busy patrolling areas to enforce the guidelines set down by the UK Government, there has been a dramatic fall in crimes such as burglary, rape and assault.

South Wales Police said that there has been a 32% reduction in overall crime between March 23 and April 15. Gwent Police also confirmed it has seen a 23% drop in crime during the lockdown.

Across the UK there has seen a 28% fall in crimes since the country was locked down to battle the coronaviru­s.

The government rushed in emergency powers four weeks ago to enforce the lockdown, restrictin­g when people could leave their homes and limiting gatherings to two people.

Burglary, vehicle crime and serious assault are all down, and there are reports that drug dealers trying to keep peddling their trade on the deserted streets of lockdown

Britain are standing out like a sore thumb.

Police said they are making “far more arrests” because drug dealers are drawing attention to themselves when they go outside.

The rail network - normally a key part of the county lines model – has been eschewed in favour of the roads, which police are patrolling for people breaking the lockdown guidelines.

Gwent’s deputy chief constable Amanda Blakeman said her force has seen drops in theft, shopliftin­g and violence, especially because of the lack of a nighttime economy with bars and clubs being closed.

She said: “Certain crimes are down but we have made a real effort to make sure our officers are out and about and visible making sure the message of staying at home is being adhered to.”

She added that they were encouragin­g women suffering domestic abuse to get in touch.

“They will be listened to and there are safe places available and help on hand.”

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