South Wales Echo

Man conned cafe boss out of £48k with fake deal

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A CAFE owner has been left struggling to pay his bills after a customer conned him out of nearly £50,000 with a fake business deal.

Graham Jones, who runs a cafe in Cardiff Bay, believed he was helping Paul Dare start his own business but really he was being swindled out of thousands of pounds.

Speaking at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Nicola Jones told Dare: “The only mitigation you have going for you is that you have finally dropped the tissue of lies and pleaded guilty.”

The court heard Dare conned Mr Jones out of more than £45,000 between November 2015 and January 2018, and his daughter, Lucy Jones, out of a further £3,000.

Jenny Yeo, prosecutin­g, said Mr Jones met Dare in 2015 when he was a customer at the cafe. In November that year the defendant told Mr Jones about a business deal he said was going to have a high return.

Dare said he was going to buy 30 printers and install them for an energy company in Pembrokesh­ire but he needed investment and asked Mr Jones for £3,000.

They met in Bute Street and Mr Jones handed over £3,000 in cash and was given a handwritte­n receipt.

Two weeks later Dare asked for another £7,000, claiming someone else had pulled out and the energy company wanted to double its order. He said Mr Jones’ return would be triple.

Prosecutor­s said Mr Jones had not received any returns by February 2016 and asked to speak to someone at the printer company.

The defendant gave him two names and he was reassured the situation was genuine. Ms Yeo said: “He is not sure to this day who he was speaking to.”

Mr Jones loaned Dare money for his rent, car and bills and helped him out when the defendant claimed he needed funds to comply with a court order or he would go to prison.

Prosecutor­s said Ms Jones gave the defendant £3,000 and there followed “hundreds and hundreds” of messages about when he would pay her and her father back. The court heard he kept making excuses, saying he would never con anyone and asking for more time.

He asked for another £3,000 to pay for a printer in December 2016 but Ms Yeo said they did not trust him any more.

Mr Jones asked for bank details for the printer company so he could pay it directly and made the transfer. It later turned out to be the defendant’s bank account.

The matter was reported to the police and inquiries revealed neither the printer company, nor the energy company, had ever had anything to do with Dare.

Ms Yeo said: “The totals have been hard to ascertain.” She told the court the frauds amounted to £48,115.

Dare was interviewe­d in February 2018 and gave a “no comment” interview. He was interviewe­d again in December 2018 and maintained they were “genuine business dealings”. He told police he was earning £6,000 a month and had a “big commission” coming.

In a victim personal statement, Mr Jones said: “I honestly felt I was helping someone just setting up for themselves. I had been in his position starting out. He has taken thousands from me and I do not know if I will ever see that money again.”

The court heard he was in hospital ready for a hernia operation, to be paid for privately, when he realised he did not have the funds to pay and had to call his daughter.

Judge Jones said: “He was brought so low he had to call his daughter and get her to pay the hospital so he could have the operation on that day.”

He said the frauds have affected his credit rating and caused him “sleepless nights” when he has had to choose between paying suppliers or staff.

Ms Yeo said Dare had previous conviction­s for “very similar” offences and was in breach of a suspended sentence imposed in May 2016.

Dare, 52, from Collard Crescent in Barry, admitted two counts of fraud.

Kevin Seal, defending, said his client’s marriage broke down in 2016 and his business failed. He added: “He effectivel­y has nothing. All he has are intentions for the future to try and pay Mr Jones back.”

Judge Jones said Dare took advantage of a “kind and trusting” individual by “constantly badgering him for more money” over a three-year period.

She added: “You continued to go back and take more and more money from him knowing full well you were not in a position to repay it.”

Dare was jailed for three years and two months with an additional 28 days for failing to surrender.

 ??  ?? Paul Dare
Paul Dare

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