South Wales Echo

Would you risk your life for a pint or night out?


AROUND 285,000 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in the UK, a very small percentage of our 66 million population.

Around 10 million people have been tested, so about 3% of us (three people in every 100) have the illness. Seems a small risk, but when you consider that at least 44,200 have sadly died of Covid-19, your chances of surviving it are less than one in seven infected people.

A staggering 15% death rate if you get Covid-19 (with the exception of Belgium, the highest in the world). Why is it so deadly in the UK?

Even more worrying, being ventilated doesn’t appear to be a great help, as only one in 10 who are ventilated survive, the other nine die.

If you are fortunate enough to be one of the lucky ones who aren’t severely affected and don’t die, the odds are that you will recover with new underlying health conditions affecting your future life.

Many survivors report a persistent tiredness, others lung issues, some suffer strokes due to the virus thickening their blood. These are all massive negative effects on individual­s health.

Today it is reported that around 3,000 people every day are being diagnosed with Covid-19. Statistica­lly that means every day an additional 450 people are in danger of dying from Covid-19 at some point in the next few months. A month of new infections at 3,000 per day equates to about 13,000 new deaths from the virus.

Are you willing to take that chance and roll the dice with Covid-19?

Let the economy reopen, but be sensible and secure your safety by following the guidance of social distancing. Is a pint or a night out worth your life?

Be sensible, wear a mask – you may well be uninfected, but wearing a mask helps keep you that way and if you are unwittingl­y carrying Covid to your family and friends, a mask will help prevent them getting it too.

It has been proven that if everyone wore a face covering we are all safer.

I am a funeral director based in Cardiff and I do not want to see any more people dying from this virus.

There is no cure. There is no effective treatment. There is no vaccine. Social distancing helps you stay safe, stay alive.

John Pidgeon


Let the economy reopen but be sensible and secure your safety by social distancing John Pidgeon Cardiff

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