South Wales Echo

How to get used to the new normal

The thought of returning to our old schedules, or having to be out and about again, is causing a lot of stress for many, says LIZ CONNOR


WHILE the gradual reduction of lockdown measures is, in many ways, a big relief, it’s also triggering a lot of anxiety for many people. This might be the prospect of returning to your stressful, hectic pre-pandemic schedule, social anxiety creeping in, or worries about a second wave of the virus. Whatever the reason, it’s something lots of people are feeling.

So what can we do to help tackle our lockdown-easing anxiety? We asked some wellbeing experts to share their top tips, as we head into the new ‘new normal’...

Burnout expert and founder of

Softer Success (softersucc­

“MOST of us have probably felt fear, anxiety and f rustration over the past few months, and it’s easy to be dragged down by these emotions.

“Whenever I have been ‘challenged’ by working and homeschool­ing, I’ve used positive affirmatio­ns – statements that can help to overcome self-sabotaging thoughts.

“Every morning and evening, I block off time to write an affirmatio­n in my gratitude journal. One tip is to write a positive ‘future’ script (of how your life might look three months down the line), which you can revert back to every day. Doing this has helped me through tough times and I’ll definitely continue to do it in the future.” overthinki­ng and overloaded, that it can prevent us from switching off at night.

“One of the most powerful ways to get back on track with sleep is to spend more time in nature. I like to take part in grounding exercises; stand in the grass or the soil for a moment and take in the sights, sounds and smells around you – this has a profoundly mindful impact on our quality of sleep and how we feel the next day. Plus, it boosts hormones which makes us feel happy, creative and optimistic.”

Nutrition consultant and founder of Avicenna

Wellbeing (avicenna

“A TIP that works for me, any time I’m feeling overloaded, is practising slow and restorativ­e deep-breathing. I’ll do a set of breathing exercises throughout the day, in short bursts, to bring awareness and calmness to my mind and body – there are lots of apps and video tutorials online.

“My mood has fluctuated throughout lockdown, but focusing on ‘stillness’ and breathing has been the thing that’s helped me the most.”

NHS insomnia specialist, founder of The Insomnia Clinic (theinsomni­

“JOURNALLIN­G your worries is a really good way to release the tension. Anxiety feeds on uncertaint­y and lack of control, but there are healthy ways you can ‘control’ your worry.

“Every day, I allocate a 20-minute window to write down everything

I’m worried about. This is a great way of telling your mind that you’re not ignoring your worries, however silly you may think they are, but rather you’re acknowledg­ing them at a time that is suitable for you.

TV doctor speaking on behalf of Willerby ( “GET out into the garden or a local park. There’s definitely a proven correlatio­n between mental and physical wellbeing, so I would urge everyone to make your mental health a priority – by ploughing on, you will reach burnout and that can take much longer to come back from.

“Enjoying time outside in nature has lots of positive effects on our mental health and is fantastic for our physical health too.

“Whether you’re walking in the hills or pottering around your garden, our mental health can improve when we connect with the outside world.”

“I always use a pen and paper, as I think this is a much more effective way to ‘empty’ your mind than using a digital device. Once my journallin­g time is up, I move on, and do something I enjoy. If any thoughts or worries pop up, I simply make a note of them and then allow myself to think about them in detail during my allocated time later on. “I’d urge everyone feeling mentally overloaded with changes to lockdown rules to try this; it’ll teach your mind to be more proactive about when you worry, so worries are not constantly intruding.”

Personal trainer (aimeevicto­ “MY tip for personally dealing with anxiety during uncertain periods is to keep a structure to each day, especially if everything else feels uncertain. Getting up at a set time, completing daily tasks, and ensuring we aren’t going to bed super-late is really important.

“Plus, I recommend reducing the amount of time you spend on social media. If you’re worried about post-lockdown life, it’s easy to fall into a trap of seeing other people seemingly coping, and thinking that nobody else is in the same boat.

“In reality, we are only given the smallest window into people’s lives online, one that’s usually filtered.”

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Write it out: A journal can help exorcise nagging worries

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