South Wales Echo


Lockdown may not have always brought quality family time, so motivation­al speaker Sid Madge outlines easy ways the whole family can reconnect. reports


ONE of the benefits of lockdown is that families have been able to spend much more time together – but that doesn’t mean it’s always been quality time. Many families will have been together alone, spending time on devices in different rooms, and keeping interactio­n to a minimum.

Sid Madge, the founder of Meee (My Education Employment Enterprise,, an organisati­on which helps people to recognise and believe in their abilities, is hoping to improve life for families by encouragin­g them to reconnect and enjoy time together.

He’s outlined 60 ways to do it in his book Meee in a Family Minute, and says: “Lockdown has meant spending much more time with family, and for many of us the extra time has allowed us to reconnect, spend quality time and enjoy some of the simple things of life.

“But additional pressures can make maintainin­g family harmony challengin­g.

“One of the reasons I wrote Meee in a Family Minute was to help families, including my own, to stay connected regardless of the inevitable ups and downs of family life. Sometimes we need new ideas or new ways of thinking and relating to each other – right now.

“Making small changes and undertakin­g new activities can help get back and deepen our connection­s with each other – and it doesn’t need to take a lot of time.

“Once you’ve started to introduce these activities, and take on new ways of thinking, they’ll become part of your family’s DNA.”

Here, Sid outlines reconnecti­on ideas that all families can try...


YOUR children get only one childhood – make it memorable!

Take a few minutes to sit down with your family and create your family bucket list. What do you want to do, see or experience as a family? Once lockdown is over, where would you like to visit?

Give yourself and your children something memorable to look back on.


 ??  ?? Spending time together is one of life’s simple pleasures
Spending time together is one of life’s simple pleasures

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