South Wales Echo



THIS is particular­ly relevant now as we’ve not been able to shop the way we used to.

Busy parents are often tempted to buy a gift rather than share an experience, because the experience takes time. This has been turned on its head during the pandemic and many of us have been surprised to learn that time spent is what really matters to our children.

When it comes to family relationsh­ips and happiness, psychologi­cal research suggests experience­s make us happier than possession­s.

Take a minute to plan a shared family experience – it might just be movie night and a pizza.

Remember: we are the sum of our experience­s, not our possession­s.



YOUR brain contains about

100 billion neurons, resulting in 1,000 trillion connection­s.

We use those connection­s to make up stories about our life.

All the negative stuff we come up with is loaded into our mental ‘bag of c**p’ and we lug it around and allow it to pollute our relationsh­ips.

This shows up in all our relationsh­ips, but when we’ve been locked down with family for months it might be more visible than normal.

Take a few minutes to consider what’s in your bag. Think about the last decision you made – what influenced your final choice?

Was it negative vibes from your bag? What about emptying something from the bag and making better choices?



IF EVER there was an environmen­t where ‘sorry’ was needed, it’s the family.

Yet, this is often the place where it’s said the least. This is a mistake.

Take a few minutes to consider a situation at home where you think you should probably apologise. Why haven’t you?

Parents can say sorry to their children and certainly most parents would be thrilled to hear a heartfelt sorry from their child.

Siblings can and should apologise when they recognise their actions have hurt the other, or when they know they are in the wrong.

We need to treat each other the way we want to be treated ourselves.

A genuine apology can wipe the slate clean and allow us to have an open discussion and heal any lingering upset.

 ??  ?? Sid Madge giving a talk
Sid Madge giving a talk

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