South Wales Echo

Disabled man died in hospital two years after ‘brutal’ attack by neighbour, court told

Murder trial opens:

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A DISABLED 34-year-old man was “brutally” attacked by a neighbour following a dispute about a dog barking and died two years later, a court heard.

Matthew Sheehan spent two years in hospital, requiring round-the-clock care, and was unable to recognise family and friends after he was assaulted by Raymond Burrell at his home in Cardiff.

Speaking at Newport Crown Court, prosecutor Michael Jones QC said: “This defendant went to the home address of one of his neighbours, a vulnerable young man called Matthew Sheehan.

“He deliberate­ly, brutally and repeatedly attacked him causing him catastroph­ic and life-changing injuries that ultimately led to his death.”

The assault happened in Adamscroft Place at around 7am on September 1, 2015 – nearly five years ago.

Mr Sheehan, who was 34 at the time, was living independen­tly in Cardiff Community Housing Associatio­n accommodat­ion.

The court heard he had cerebellar ataxia, which affected the part of his brain controllin­g eye movements, speech, and limb movements.

His family said he needed a crutch to walk and had to concentrat­e on his balance to stay on his feet. He also required glasses to see clearly.

Prosecutor­s said a friend went to see Mr Sheehan the day before the incident and thought he seemed “frightened” following a dispute with a neighbour.

The court heard Mr Sheehan told his friend a neighbour’s dog was barking and keeping him awake so he told the dog to “shut up” and the neighbour confronted him.

Two other neighbours who lived upstairs described hearing someone kicking a door at around 7am on September 1, 2015. They heard a man shouting and swearing.

The neighbours described banging, kicking, and shouting and heard Mr Sheehan’s voice screaming: “Help.” They also heard “groaning” noises like someone was in pain.

One of the neighbours called 999 and they described the defendant walking off and then coming back to the flat.

They described hearing more swearing and kicking but the second time there were no groans or cries for help and everything went silent.

Mr Jones described the assault as a “relentless beating”. He said Burrell walked away again, looking “casual”, as if nothing had happened.

The call handler asked the neighbour to check on Mr Sheehan, if it was safe, and he described seeing a footprint on the door and spatters of blood.

He shouted through the letter box but there was no response. Paramedics found Mr Sheehan lying facedown, bleeding and unresponsi­ve. He was at three on the Glasgow Coma Scale. Mr Jones said: “It was obvious he had sustained serious injuries.”

Mr Sheehan was rushed to the University Hospital of Wales by ambulance and arrived at intensive care just before 8am.

Prosecutor­s said he suffered “multiple, severe, and catastroph­ic injuries”. He was found to have bruising to his brain, a fractured jaw, fractured left eye socket, and a wound above his right eye that had to be stapled. He was put on a ventilator and kept in an artificial coma.

Burrell was arrested immediatel­y after the attack after officers saw him walking down the road wearing blue jeans and a red jacket.

The court heard they asked him to stop but he kept walking and they had to run after him. Asked what happened in the flat, the defendant replied: “Nothing was going on.”

Prosecutor­s said he shouted the police had no right to stop him and he struggled violently with them. He swung a punch but the officer avoided it and took him to the floor. Mr Jones added: “The defendant was violent and aggressive with the officers.”

The court heard Burrell swore at them and an officer used her CS spray.

Burrell was heard to shout: “You’ve got the wrong person. Let me go. You’re never going to get a witness for an ID parade. No witness is that brave. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

Prosecutor­s said he was taken to Cardiff Bay Police Station and continued to threaten the officers.

He was quiet in the back of the police van and they thought he was mooning but then smelled faeces. The defendant used his feet to smear it around the van, covering his jeans and trainers.

The court heard Burrell said to the officers: “You don’t like that, do you? This is how you get rid of evidence.”

Mr Jones said the defendant was put into a cell and his clothes were confiscate­d. He was heard to say to an officer: “Ain’t done s***, mate. Prove that s***.”

Prosecutor­s said he deliberate­ly urinated and defecated in his cell then used his custody clothing to smear it around the cell and cover the camera.

Burrell remained silent in his police interview the following day and refused to answer any questions. He gave a prepared statement, saying there were medical reasons for defecating.

A forensic scientist examined blood at the flat and concluded Mr Sheehan was on the ground when he received a “forceful blow”, causing blood to become airborne and land outside.

He also examined the defendant’s clothing and found Mr Sheehan’s blood on Burrell’s jeans and trainers. The pattern of blood indicated “violent kicking and stamping”.

Forensic footwear examinatio­n showed the zig-zag patterns on the defendant’s trainers matched the pattern of injuries.

The court heard Mr Sheehan did not regain a normal level of consciousn­ess. He was able to open his eyes but could not move or speak.

He was left unable to recognise family or friends and relied on feeding and breathing tubes. He remained in intensive care until December 2015 – three months after the assault.

Burrell stood trial at Cardiff Crown Court in April 2016 – six months after the incident. In his evidence he said Mr Sheehan attacked him and he was acting in self-defence.

The court heard Mr Sheehan was still in hospital, unable to communicat­e, while that trial took place. Mr Jones said that jury rejected selfdefenc­e and found the defendant guilty of intending to cause grievous bodily harm.

In August 2016 Mr Sheehan was transferre­d to Rookwood Hospital, a specialist rehabilita­tion hospital.

Mr Jones said: “Such was the ferocity of the attack on Matthew Sheehan it caused him catastroph­ic brain injuries. He had little quality of life.”

The court heard he needed roundthe-clock specialist medical care and had to keep going back to the University Hospital of Wales due to repeated chest infections.

Mr Sheehan was 36 when he died on November 9, 2017, with respirator­y complicati­ons.

Prosecutor­s said his pre-existing condition did not contribute to his death and Burrell was charged with murder.

Mr Jones said the prosecutio­n and defence carefully analysed the medical evidence and there was no dispute the injuries inflicted by the defendant led directly to his death.

Burrell was interviewe­d again in April 2019 and refused to answer any questions.

Forensic pathologis­t Dr Deryk James found multiple blunt injuries, which were in keeping with kicks and stamps to the head, delivered with “considerab­le” force.

In January this year Burrell prepared a defence statement, putting forward the same defence he put before the original jury, stating he was acting in self-defence.

He stated Mr Sheehan attacked him and he used reasonable force in selfdefenc­e. Mr Jones pointed out the defendant was 6ft tall against a vulnerable man with a disability.

Burrell does not accept intending to cause him really serious harm. The prosecutor said: “That is the reason why you – another jury – are here today.”

On the first day the trial was listed the defendant pleaded guilty to manslaught­er. He accepts using unlawful violence but denies intending to kill or cause serious harm.

Mr Jones added: “He abandoned the defence he maintained throughout – self-defence. He abandoned the defence he was intending to put before the 12 of you.”

Burrell, 43, denies murder. He is represente­d by David Elias QC.

The trial, presided over by Mr Justice Griffiths, is before a jury of six women and six men and expected to last for three weeks.

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Raymond Burrell

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