South Wales Echo



“It was only yesterday afternoon that I received a text asking me to confirm that I would be voting for the Prime Minister’s preferred candidate for the ISC chair. I did not reply as I considered it an improper request. At no earlier stage did I give any undertakin­g to vote for any particular candidate” - Julian Lewis, the new chairman of Parliament’s Intelligen­ce and Security Committee, condemns Downing Street’s attempt to impose its “preferred candidate” to lead the committee.

“While others pursue their selfish interests with reckless behaviour, the UK and its allies are getting on with the hard work of finding a vaccine and protecting global health. The UK will continue to counter those conducting such cyber attacks, and work with our allies to hold perpetrato­rs to account”

- Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab reacts after the National Cyber Security Centre warned hackers linked to the Russian intelligen­ce agencies were targeting British scientists seeking to develop a coronaviru­s vaccine.

“You very quickly recognise the gaps in your own knowledge. It’s not, ‘How do I do long division?’ It’s, ‘How do they teach long division now because it’s all changed?” - Actor David Tennant, above, says home schooling his children in lockdown has been a challenge.

“I was captivated when I was growing up and my mother taught me how to play. Today, I hope the music can have the same comforting effect on my friends here” - Care home resident Rebecca Parker, 98, says she was inspired by her mother as she completed a charity challenge to play the piano every day for 100 days.

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