South Wales Echo

WEBCHAT Mark Drakeford on Wales’ Covid response and the prospects for Christmas

- Daniel Goffin

If people used their common sense weren’t so selfish and thought about other people, we wouldn’t be in this situation, it’s a good job that we have a First Minister who is trying to keep us safe.

Bernard Assinder

If people listen and stick to the guidelines we could have an almost normal Christmas with our family!

Andrea Richards

The best case scenario for Christmas is six people in your home. Absolutely nobody is going to stick to that, me included. Robert Davies

And he cruelly says you can go to the pub with strangers but may not be able to have your own child home from uni for Christmas. Bah humbug.

Sarah Della

He has one of the smallest population­s to deal with in the UK and he’s still getting it wrong. Huw Thomas

Most people will recover, over 90%... the vulnerable and elderly are at risk, so shield them and let us get on with life. It will never stop until we allow it to spread through. We cannot stop and start forever. The original lockdowns were simply to protect the NHS from being overhelmed. Well we did that and hospitals were quiet and the field hospitals were empty. If masks were helpful they wouldnt have said they were useless at the beginning. Which is what they said. If this virus is so deadly why are we not in full hazmat suits and disposing of them in biohazard bins? A paper mask is not going to do anything.

Laura Hill

So what happens when these local lockdowns are lifted? The virus hasn’t moved on, its not going to die out. Why do so many people not realise that livelihood­s are being destroyed by a measure thats just an ineffectiv­e stopgap!? Emma Whiting

Here’s what will happen... in a few weeks the ‘cases’ will miraculous­ly drop despite no lockdown. Then the rule of six will be eased just in time for Christmas. The politician­s will congratula­te themselves on ‘controllin­g’ the virus and how

grateful you should be and you will all be persuaded that they indeed have that power. Then the next time it will be all so much easier... People need to wake up...

Jan Outhwaite

Everyone has an opinion. But wot you’re not seeing is the rift this is putting between everyone. We are going to war against everyone. Is this what the government wants? I have lost very close friends because of the difference of opinion... and its only going to get worse.

Audrey Elliott

Do any of you with your comments have a famy member who has died because of this or a friend? Because if you did then you would get it. Christmas is one day, for God’s sake. I’ve worked every day through this pandemic, I’ve seen my staff and families panic over this. When you work with someone with autism who misses his mum because he can’t see her due to silly gits not following rules, how bloody unfair is that? If you are told to isolate, then bloody isolate, it’s not just about you, it’s about everyone.

Tina Morgan

Can’t we just put the tree up now and call it a year?

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