South Wales Echo

‘People don’t give a damn about following the rules’


“THERE’S not really any policing going on – there’s nobody there saying ‘put your mask on’,” said Jayden Cain, 20, who is studying in Cardiff, after being asked about the prospect of an extended local lockdown.

But Cardiff resident John Griffiths, 76, said as far as he was concerned, there was no excuse.

“I think it’s increasing because people aren’t following the rules, and they’re not following the rules because they don’t give a damn about what is going on.”

Speaking about his wife Doreen, 71, he added: “She’s inside 24/7 at the moment, it’s unfair, there’s got to be a moment when people have to speak and do things for themselves.”

It’s a sentiment echoed throughout the country as much of Wales’ population is now under some form of local lockdown.

And with more coming all the time, many people are feeling that while the rules might be necessary, the reason people aren’t following them is simply because they are tired of adhering to them.

This week South Wales Police announced it had been called out around 40 times a day for potential breaches of Covid-19 regulation­s.

Last week it was also reported that students from Manchester had been organising Covid-positive parties

where entry was only given to those who had tested positive for the virus.

In Wales, students at Cardiff University have also been accused of hosting gatherings and house parties.

And while some may argue the rules of lockdown are confusing, others are suggesting lockdown fatigue is setting in and people are just choosing to no longer follow them.

Speaking about lockdown fatigue, First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “We’ve got to be alert to it, there is no doubt that people who are being asked again to take measures in their lives and restrict their freedoms that that is a bigger ask than it was earlier this year. Neverthele­ss, the bigger picture is that most people want to do the right thing.”

The First Minister said Gwent Police estimated that 95% of people were complying with the rules and not crossing borders except for essential journeys.

“While there is fatigue and we’ve got to be aware of it, I still think that the big picture is that most people want to know what the right thing is to do and then to make a contributi­on.”

A number of Welsh residents have also said that people are tired of following the rules after schools and pubs have opened up, as they seem contradict­ory.

One mum of two, who wished to remain nameless, said: “You can’t blame people for not listening because what is the point of sticking in one area when you have kids sitting in a classroom surrounded by 30 other kids not wearing a ‘muzzle’.”

“People aren’t going to listen and universiti­es are better off hosting events so students don’t have house parties because they are bored of lockdown.”

But some don’t agree and believe there are no excuses for lockdown fatigue and not following rules.

 ??  ?? John and Doreen Griffiths
John and Doreen Griffiths
 ??  ?? Jayden Cain
Jayden Cain

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