South Wales Echo

WEBCHAT First Minister responds to Donald Trump after ‘derisive’ tweet about Wales

Where Wales is or even been here.


I know all working Americans would give anything for our health service even with its managerial imperfecti­ons. Some simple souls’ comments here indicate they have never been anywhere. Probably so poorly informed and gullible that they voted for Brexit too!

Max Ellis

The tweet wasn’t derisive, he was pointing out a circumstan­ce that’s actually taking place. If the tweet is derisive then that’s only the situation merits it.

Rae Lockyer

Trump probably don’t even know

Kelly Capener

I wonder how many people who have lost or are losing their jobs and businesses will agree that [Drakeford] is looking out for the people of Wales.

Nicola McGrail

Drakeford could learn a lot about leadership from Trump.

Billy Norris

Living in Melbourne and watching/ listening to Trump I would totally ignore his comments. I am amazed he knows what day it is. Glynnis Stanley

He mentions the health system. How many health boards do we have that are in special measures? People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Nathan George

Trump once said the UK as a whole should be called England. This is how most people like him,

Farage etc think. There you go, Wales, Scotland and NI, just accept your destiny. We should all be English. Cannot help thinking the people siding with Trump over Drakeford think this too.

Stuart Llewellyn

The virus cannot be stopped any more than colds and flu can, 99.8% survive it, meanwhile people are losing their education, livelihood­s, homes and lives. Set your people free, Mark.

Paul Goulden

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