South Wales Echo

Predator ‘groomed’ girl before assault

- THOMAS DEACON Reporter thomas.deacon@walesonlin­

A SEXUAL predator “groomed” girls before assaulting one, a court heard.

Serial sex offender Mark Porretta, who had told the girl he “loved” her, “opened her legs with his legs” and then spent around five minutes “humping” her, prosecutor Byron Broadstock told Cardiff Crown Court.

Mr Broadstock read from a victim impact statement in which the teenage girl, who cannot be identified, said the incident “upset” her and left her feeling “scared and frightened”.

The court was told Porretta had one previous conviction in 2005 for sexually assaulting five separate victims. He was later made the subject of a sexual offences prevention order for a separate incident involving children.

Porretta, 54, appeared via video link from HMP Parc and spoke only to confirm his name. He had previously pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault and to four breaches of the sexual offences prevention order by having contact with the assault victim and another girl.

Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke said assessment­s of Porretta showed he “groomed his victims” and displayed “predatory behaviour” to carry out his offences.

She jailed Porretta, of Chelma Walk,

Newport, for two years and six months and ordered him to spend a further three years on licence.

The sexual offences prevention order was revoked and Porretta was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for an indefinite period.

He will also have to pay a victim surcharge.

 ??  ?? Rachelle Trubey is chair of Friends of Flaxland Woods – a group working to protect a parcel of woodland, below, from developmen­t
Rachelle Trubey is chair of Friends of Flaxland Woods – a group working to protect a parcel of woodland, below, from developmen­t
 ??  ?? Mark Porretta
Mark Porretta

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