South Wales Echo

Heading towards East Germany?


in these difficult times. I totally agree and empathise with the wish to save more lives but he uses this tactically to defend his chaotic decisionHe has to balance the savemore-lives resriction­s with the terminal damage he is causing to the economy, the wellbeing of those suffering from other non-Covid health issues, worrying levels of poverty and the threat of anarchy if he does not come up with some good news soon.

Closing all non-essential retail and the farce on what you can and cannot buy makes us a laughing stock.

The only people to benefit will be the online retailers.

Ironically, Mr Drakeford commented that he didn’t think he would need to buy any clothing over two weeks so none of us should either.

Mr Drakeford, I would suggest you most certainly do need to buy some new clothes and some new shoes while you are on it.

Our First Minister is worried about the pressure on the NHS but one wonders why he has made such a mad decison as closing the Dragon’s Heart Hospital at the Principali­ty Stadium – 1,500 beds. This was built at a cost of millions for the initial wave of the virus and in preparatio­n of the second wave which I assume is what is happening now (hence the knee-jerk overreacti­on of the “firebreak”). Surely it is needed now to take the pressure off the hospitals.

What plans does the Welsh Government have to help put the Welsh economy back on its feet? Very limited is what they can do as they have no money without Westminste­r coughing up the cash.

Mr Drakeford is anti-business enterprise and business wealth and one wonders if the damage that is being inflicted on the economy is high on his list of things to do.

After all, his ideal would be for Wales to be more like the old East Germany.

Mr Drakeford, unlike those in the badly affected private sector, does not have to worry about where his next pay cheque is coming from. Clifford Roger

Lakeside, Cardiff

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