South Wales Echo

Knife-wielding woman racially abused neighbour

- KATIE-ANN GUPWELL Reporter katie-ann.gupwell@walesonlin­

A WOMAN threatened to stab her neighbour while racially abusing him in a drunken attack, a court has heard.

Lisa Nicholas, 30, appeared at Cardiff Crown Court on Wednesday to be sentenced after the unprovoked attack on October 1.

Prosecutor Nigel Fryer told the court the defendant’s neighbour, Clinton Webster, heard “a bang” at the property on the day the incident took place.

The noise was said to be so forceful that the lights shook. Nicholas then shouted: “You black c**t – you’re going to have it.”

Mr Fryer said the commotion did not stop and the defendant was heard saying: “I will drive a knife through you.”

Another neighbour saw what was happening, the court heard. “Ms Nicholas came outside and was shouting: ‘Get outside and I will have you now.’ She was carrying a knife. He had a fear that she would stab him.”

The knife was described as being six to seven inches in length and a neighbour claimed they saw the defendant with a metallic object.

When the police arrived, Mr Fryer told the court, officers found five kitchen knives in Nicholas’ bedroom, which she claimed were for her “protection”.

The defendant told officers she had been drinking with her partner and then returned home where she continued to drink alcohol.

Mr Fryer said: “She was arguing with her partner on the telephone in the flat and was shouting in the flat.”

Nicholas, of Cwrt Roberts, Caerau, admitted possessing a blade which was sharply pointed in a public place and racially aggravated provocatio­n of violence.

Nicholas William Bebb, in defence, told the court the defendant had been drinking at the time the incident took place and also decided to try “illicit substances” on the same day.

He said such issues in her life have “heightened” since the death of her mother two years ago.

Mr Bebb said: “There is no doubt this is a very serious offence.

“The defendant has struggled greatly since the death of her mother two years ago and she was very close to her mother.

“She accepts at the time she had drunk a bottle of vodka and tried a number of other illicit substances.

“She said it was the first time she took the substances she tried while drinking alcohol – the first and the last time she will ever be trying such substances.”

Nicholas has 18 conviction­s for 20 previous offences but Mr Bebb said she had never before received a custodial sentence and has spent six weeks in prison “detoxing from alcohol”.

Mr Bebb also noted the defendant claims she suffers from anxiety and depression.

Judge Jeremy Jenkins said it was not the first time the defendant had been reported to have had issues with Mr Webster and he dubbed her a “racist”.

Judge Jenkins said: “You clearly dislike him for whatever reason. “You made aggressive threats, calling him a ‘black b ***** d’ and a ‘black c**t’ and telling him you were going to stab him.

“You told the police you had not used racist language despite neighbours clearly hearing that you had. Mr Webster and others have rights to live their lives peacefully without having to be subject to vile abuse by racists like you.”

Nicholas was sentenced to 12 months in prison and half of this must be served in custody before she is able to be released on licence.

A restrainin­g order has also been put in place which means Nicholas is not able to make contact with Mr Webster for five years.

 ?? SOUTH WALES POLICE ?? Lisa Nicholas was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court
SOUTH WALES POLICE Lisa Nicholas was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court

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