South Wales Echo

Shopper tried to bite guard


- CONOR GOGARTY Reporter conor.gogarty@walesonlin­

A WOMAN tried to bite a security guard after becoming angry about a supermarke­t checkout error.

Michaela Johnson became enraged by a fault on a self-service machine in the Iceland store in Commercial Street, Newport.

She was abusive to staff before being arrested and throwing a cup of water from a toilet at police.

The 43-year-old appeared at Cardiff Crown Court on Friday, where she pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer and a public order offence.

She also admitted an earlier offence of carrying a weapon – a spanner – in public.

Johnson, of Dolphin Street, Pill, was caught with the spanner at around 5pm on September 23.

A PCSO had spotted her arguing with another woman in the Kwik Save car park in Commercial Road.

Prosecutor Lowri Patterson said: “The defendant was heard saying, ‘Come on, come to the corner.’

“The woman arguing with the defendant was trying to walk off but the defendant followed her.

“The community support officer approached to calm the situation. The defendant pulled out a large adjustable spanner from her pocket and began trying to swing it at the other female.

“When the officer asked for the spanner, she handed it over.

“She said she had it for her own safety because she had been bullied and assaulted by the other female the night before.”

Johnson appeared in court on November 10 over this offence.

The case was adjourned so she could be represente­d by her favoured lawyer – but hours after the hearing Johnson committed more crimes.

Ms Patterson said: “The defendant entered Iceland at around 4.30pm and bought a bottle of Bailey’s and a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.

“She went back to get mixers and took these to the self-service checkout.

“There was an error on the scales and a shop worker went to assist. The defendant shouted, ‘F*** off, leave me alone, stop interferin­g.’

“The security guard asked her to calm down or she would be banned from the store.

“She shouted, ‘f ***** g interferin­g, making me forget things, leave me alone.’

“The security guard told her she would be banned from the store as she had been abusive to staff.”

Johnson replied: “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not scared of police. I’m going to prison tomorrow anyway.”

She shouted and swore in front of customers and children.

A PCSO arrived and told Johnson the electric scooter she was carrying was illegal in a public space.

Johnson said she was pregnant, then tried to bite the officer and the security guard.

“She was taken to custody,” Ms Patterson continued.

“For unknown reasons, at 1.25am she walked to the door of her cell and threw a cup of water from the toilet over two police officers.”

The officers restrained Johnson on the floor while she spat at one of them, called him a “fat c***” and told him she had Covid.

The officer had to attend hospital.

Johnson has 94 conviction­s for 185 offences.

She committed her latest crimes in breach of a suspended 25-week jail term imposed last November for assaulting police officers and carrying cannabis.

Laura Shepherd, mitigating, said Johnson struggles with borderline personalit­y disorder and offended “prolifical­ly and consistent­ly” for years before “a significan­t break” when she stayed out of trouble.

Recorder Duncan Bould imposed a 24-week jail term.

Johnson must pay a victim services surcharge of £128 but will not have to cover prosecutio­n costs because does not have the means to pay.

Before being led to custody, she turned to her partner and said she loved him.

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