South Wales Echo

City centre ‘breather bubbles’ open for christmas


BREATHER bubbles, which allow shoppers to relax and take a break, are coming to Cardiff city centre.

The small spaces aim to help people who may feel anxious or overwhelme­d while in the city during the busy Christmas period.

They can be found in Morgan Arcade, near The Plan cafe, and in John Lewis.

They are open every weekend from today to Sunday, December 19.

The bubbles will be open from 10am to 2pm, with at least two members of The Samaritans, who will be able to listen to people and offer advice, and therapists from Yurt in the City, who will be providing massages and holistic therapies.

Adrian Field is the executive director of FOR Cardiff, which is behind the scheme.

He said: “It is an area where people can relax, slow things down a bit because Covid has affected a lot of people in various ways and we are trying to make sure that within Cardiff people have got an environmen­t where they can just take a bit of time out.

“It is meeting a need, and an increased need I think because of what happened with Covid, to make sure that Cardiff makes people feel comfortabl­e.”

The bubbles have been created at Christmast­ime as the city is busier than ever and many people may feel the extra pressure of making this Christmas the best they possibly can, after last year’s sudden Covid restrictio­ns that were implemente­d by the government.

Kat from The Samaritans said: “There is always a sort of pressure at Christmast­ime for people to have a great time but for a lot of people that can be stressful in itself and now because this is perhaps going to be a more normal Christmas this year, there could be an added stress.”

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