South Wales Echo

Case backlog remains high amid strike by barristers


CROWN COURT backlogs in Wales and England remain near record levels, as barristers’ strikes continue to grind proceeding­s to a halt.

Data published by the Ministry of Justice shows that there were more than 58,653 outstandin­g Crown Court cases as of March 31, 2022, including 47,611 outstandin­g trials.

Barristers are striking as a recently proposed pay increase is not being applied to delayed cases.

Whilst this is a slight improvemen­t on the 60,970 case backlog seen between April and June last year, it is still significan­tly higher than 38,305 at the end of 2019.

This has completely eclipsed the previous reduction of the backlog, shrinking 40% between 2015 and 2018 from 55,124 to 33,218 cases.

The Criminal Bar Associatio­n (CBA) has blamed underfundi­ng and understaff­ing for trial delays that lead to increased backlogs. Their ongoing strike action is in response to government plans to not pay the recently increased rate for outstandin­g trials, potentiall­y worsening the backlog.

Jo Sidhu QC, chair of the Criminal Bar Associatio­n, said: “Each week dozens of trials are now being postponed at the last moment, as specialist criminal barristers have been forced to walk away from the jobs they love over Government’s continuing refusal properly and swiftly to redress a decade of slashed rates to criminal legal aid.

“Government talks of how the action by criminal barristers will disrupt the court system but, as the Ministry of Justice’s own figures show, it is Government­created disruption and inaction that is crippling the system and it has been worsening markedly for over a year now.

“If we haemorrhag­e specialist criminal barristers, who provide prosecutor­s, defence advocates and judges, then victims of crime take the added pain of more months or years to their trial dates.”

A Ministry of Justice spokespers­on said: “Our decisive action kept justice moving in the face of the unpreceden­ted impact of the pandemic.

“As a result, the number of outstandin­g cases at the Crown Court has fallen by over 2,000 since its peak last summer. We have proposed a 15% pay rise for barristers and we encourage them to work with us so that we can continue to drive down the backlog and prevent any further delays for victims.”

Over a quarter (1,907, 27%) of trials between January and March of this year were declared ‘ineffectiv­e’, which means they were unable to proceed on the intended date and needed to be pushed back. Pre-pandemic, this had never exceeded 19%.

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