South Wales Echo

Why parkrun is a family affair for Lorraine


Lorraine Isaac, 55, from Syston, Leicesters­hire, says parkrun has inspired three generation­s of her family to get moving.

“Back in 2014 I’d lost a fair bit of weight and wanted to keep it off, so even though I didn’t have any inclinatio­n to run, I started jogging from lamppost to lamppost with a friend,” explains Lorraine, “Then my friend suggested I try parkrun. Even though I walked most of my first one, it became a bit addictive!”

It must have – she’s now notched up over 140 parkruns. And it’s become a real family affair; after Lorraine lost her mum, Sheila, to Covid in October 2020, parkrun offered a lifeline to her dad, Bob, 82.

“I realised he was lonely – Mum had always been the social animal,” says Lorraine. “He wasn’t sure about coming along as even walking the course would be too much

for him, but we are always looking for volunteers so in March I stuck a

hi-viz vest on him and said, ‘Just stand on that corner and support people.’ He loved it. Now he looks forward to every Saturday. It gives him a routine; a reason to get up and out.”

And in September last year, with help from her husband Dave, 66, and their daughter Amie, 23, Lorraine set up a new parkrun in Watermead Country Park near their home. It now attracts around 260 parkrunner­s each week.

Recently, Lorraine found herself singing the praises of parkrun to Paralympic sprinter Jonnie Peacock at a National Lottery event. “He’s never done a parkrun as he’s not a distance runner, but I invited him to join us to volunteer.” She was clearly convincing, because Jonnie, who is keen to encourage people to get active, plans to be there cheering people on at his local parkrun in Manchester next Saturday.

Lorraine says, “I love the inclusivit­y – literally anybody can come along. There’s no pressure, it’s not a competitio­n. If I’m being honest I’d have to admit that I don’t like running, but I love the way I feel after parkrun!”

I don’t like running, but I do love the way I feel after parkrun!

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 ?? ?? RUNNING MATES Lorraine with sprinter Jonnie Peacock
RUNNING MATES Lorraine with sprinter Jonnie Peacock

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