South Wales Echo

Killer seen on CCtV just hours before she stabbed man to death


MURDERER Rebecca Press was seen on CCTV walking to and from a pub with her victim just hours before she stabbed him to death.

Marc Ash’s grieving family has given police permission to release the footage.

As his killer was given a life sentence yesterday, and ordered to serve at least 20 years in prison, Cardiff Crown Court was told that Mr Ash had agreed to accompany Press – the daughter of his friend – to New Tredegar Rugby Club.

In her sentencing remarks the Recorder of Cardiff, Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke, told Press: “You said you wanted to go the pub. No one else wanted to go but Mr Ash offered to go with you.

“You went to New Tredegar Rugby Club and the Dynevor Arms. You can be seen on the CCTV you were intoxicate­d but in a good mood. That changed at 11pm when you got stuck in the ladies’ toilets in the Dynevor Arms causing you to become angry and verbally aggressive.

“As a result, Mr Ash left and went back to your mother’s house in Long Row to watch a film. You returned to your mother’s address half an hour later.”

It was at her mother’s address that Press fatally stabbed Mr Ash in the chest.

After his sister’s fatal knife attack on Mr Ash, her brother – Gavin Press – was filmed on police body worn camera at his mother’s flat in Long Row, telling officers what he witnessed.

A transcript of the footage reveals that upon police entering, Mr Press says: “Not me, mate, don’t look at me.”

The police officer asks Mr Press what is going on. He said: “It started off, yeah. My sister did have a go at Marc and Marc just told her, ‘Listen, why you speaking to me like that for, I took you and your mother out earlier and had a nice day’...

“Marc is just a next-door neighbour...”

Mr Press was asked by the officer if he saw the knife.

He said: “Yeah, it was that one I showed you on the floor.”

The witness said it had a silver blade and a “little black handle”.

The officer said: “Did you see her stab him?”

Mr Press said: “Yeah... But on the last occasion, that was when he got stabbed.

“She came up at me with a knife and was saying to Marc like that and went like that (motions with arm) in his chest... I haven’t got a phone, though, right. I said, ‘Mum, ring 999, ambulance.”

 ?? ?? Rebecca Press and Marc Ash are seen on CCTV
Rebecca Press and Marc Ash are seen on CCTV
 ?? ?? Gavin Press
Gavin Press

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