South Wales Echo

WEBCHAT People are putting red ribbons on their cars in protest at Wales’ 20mph plans


Makes sense around schools but it’s ridiculous in a lot of places. Christine Morgan

What colour ribbon can I put on my car to show I agree with 20mph?

Marilyn Wright

Can’t wait to see the motorbiker­s and the lycra-clad warriors keeping to 20mph.

Michael Jenkins

Some can’t comply with the 30mph, God help us when it’s reduced to 20. Why are people complainin­g about it being reduced? Reducing speed saves lives. My housing associatio­n estate has always been a 20 zone due to the kids zone and play park.

Tremayne Louise Rees

That proves nothing. A march on parliament would be more impactful.

John Redman

It is good in built-up areas but some areas it is ridiculous. Alison Morgan

That’s not exactly going to achieve anything. We need to be more like the French and create a coordinate­d protest that would beat the Welsh Government into submission. Unfortunat­ely, we’re British and are incapable of this.

James Graham

We have £40m to spend on this, with a cost of up to £4bn to the Welsh economy but Mark Drakeford is asking for his ministers to find £900m worth of cuts to their budgets. Blaming Westminste­r for that too. Farcical.

Richard Thwaite

Real protests are needed. We sit back and take to much in this country. The petition should have been enough for them to see we don’t want this.

Rachael Jayne Thomas

Makes it easier for the police to spot potential speeding motorists I suppose.

Allyn Hake

Meanwhile the cost-of-living crisis continues... priorities!

Lee Collins

Surely you need red flags. So you can walk in front!

Les Shonk

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