South Wales Echo

Mum claims landlord not tackling mould in home


A MUM-OF-TWO claims her house has become so covered in mould, it has spread into different parts of her home, covering the ceilings, walls and her possession­s.

“People come into the house and instantly smell the damp, but it’s got so bad we can’t even smell it any more,” said Chelsea, from Kenfig Hill, Bridgend.

She claimed she had been waiting action from her landlord for more than two years, but feels not enough has been done to solve the problem.

Her landlord has accused her of taking actions which have led to the problems, which she has rejected.

Chelsea is a full-time mum, her children’s father having died two years ago from a sudden heart attack, and receives housing benefits which allow her to pay rent for the house. But she said she would not be able to afford the cost of another rented property due to the high prices in the area.

She has been living there for five years, and claimed she first started to see mould appearing three and a half years ago.

Since then, she claimed it had spread across the entire property including, to Chelsea’s dismay, the room where both her children, who are aged eight and 11, sleep.

Chelsea claimed: “We were initially just told to give the mould that was appearing on the walls a bit of a wipe but it really escalated from there. They did come out to try and clean the kids’ bedroom, but that’s the only bit that has been worked on.

“Our front bedroom has been black from ceiling to floor for the past two and a half years. It hasn’t been used at all.

“The mould has now also started to spread onto our belongings, so I’ve had to put a lot of things like the kid’s toys in bin bags.

“We’ve also put the kids’ two single mattresses and a double mattress in there that can’t be used because they’ve been damaged.”

Living in conditions like this had also begun to take its toll on Chelsea’s health, she claimed, adding: “It’s definitely had an impact on my health. I struggle even with climbing the stairs here. I feel the landlord has not done enough to resolve the problem.”

Chelsea’s mum, Sharon StolzyThom­as also expressed concern for her daughter’s welfare while living in these conditions.

She claimed: “The situation has been very difficult for Chelsea, as I feel the house is uninhabita­ble and I am worried about the family’s health now.

“She is not in a position to move out at the moment as she receives housing benefits and it is complicate­d to try and go somewhere else.

“Chelsea is becoming asthmatic, and has just received medication for this which I believe is because of the mould. And the kids are always coughing whenever I see them.”

Chelsea’s landlord, Damian Adams, claimed: “Chelsea is not the easiest of people to work with. Chelsea has been operating a tumble dryer inside of the house without having an external [filter] fitted.

She has taken a bedroom carpet up in the past and deposited it out through a bedroom window for it to rest on the kitchen roof beneath.

“Over time that carpet got wet and caused severe damage. She has blacked out all windows to prevent daylight travelling throughout and will not open them either.

“She has blocked my telephone number. She’s changed all the locks and will not allow me in the house.

“I suffer with mental health and epilepsy. I do regret taking her on as she not too willing to work with me.”

Chelsea disputed Damian’s claims, saying she’d never had a tumble dryer, and argued that the carpet was only placed on the kitchen roof for a day, before she then removed it, and that only her front living room blinds were kept permanentl­y closed.

According to the NHS, damp and mould in a home can lead to respirator­y problems, respirator­y infections, allergies or asthma, and it can also affect the immune system.

Moulds produce allergens, which are substances that can cause an allergic reaction, irritants and, occasional­ly toxic substances.

Inhaling mould spores may cause an allergic reaction, such as sneezing, a runny nose, red eyes and skin rash. Moulds can also cause asthma attacks.

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Mould inside Chelsea’s Kenfig Hill house

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