South Wales Evening Post

The country has mislaid its ‘moral compass’


FOLLOWING recent letters from Jayne Isaac and Mr Lees in the Evening Post, I would like to make some points.

I won’t delve too far into this country’s political past, but I would like to go back to when I believe this country started to lose its moral compass.

I would say that during Mrs Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister greed and unscrupulo­us behaviour became the norm.

Some of the reasons for this have come to light in the papers which are released 30 years after a Prime Minister’s term, revealing some of what went on in private during those years.

The papers showed that Mrs Thatcher had planned to shut the mines, whatever she said about Mr Scargill at the time, without any plans to replace the lost jobs.

Deregulati­on of the banks added to the climate, handing City of London bankers free rein to use our money like a game of Monopoly. Mrs Thatcher said we would all share in the wealth it would generate.

Well, unless you were one of the 1% of people who did benefit, you’re probably still waiting.

At the same time, while countries around the world were calling for NEL- son Mandela’s release from prison in South Africa, Mrs Thatcher was reported to have believed he was a terrorist, while the UK invited the Chilean dictator General Pinochet into the country in spite of public protests.

As for the present day, yes, we should ask the rest of the world to join in sanctions against Russia and kick their diplomats out, but what about allegation­s of Russian billionair­es hiding “dirty money” in this country, and sanctions against them?

Colin John address supplied

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