South Wales Evening Post

That have convinced are not alone


woman who goes by the alias Caz Clarke and claims to have witnessed the events.

The group claim to have discovered electromag­netic residue, which they say is evidence something unnatural occurred.

“We went up to the top of Garth Mountain itself, which gave a good view, and you can see right across where it took place,” Swansea UFO network co-founder Emlyn Williams said.

“We went to the site and there is a strong EM residue in the core location to the place the UFOS were spotted. “It’s physical evidence something there.”

Recalling the events of that day more than two years ago, Ms Clarke said she could “categorica­lly state it was no exercise”.

“I will take a lie detector anywhere for anyone but what I witnessed will stay with me for the rest of my life,” she said.

“What is more, the military knew they were coming and had a spotter plane in the air for two days waiting for ‘the event.’

“When it came, four planes chased the “green” object whilst the spotter plane circled approximat­ely six red oval objects, which formed a pyramid shape.

“Several red spheres hovered silently above the fields until the helicopter­s came.”

Another witness, Mike Henbury, claims to have seen unusual happened a red pulsing light, followed by two more which formed a triangle descending from the clouds.

Mr Henbury said: “It looked very large indeed.

“I don’t think it touched down totally but about 10 to 12 feet from the ground it lit up fully, showing the full outline of it, then it dimmed down.”

He added that black, red and green orbs emerged from it “as if they were dancing and moulding into one, pulsing from red to green slowly”.

■ Swansea UFO Network says it is always looking for new reports of UFO sightings, and encourages anyone with informatio­n to contact them via their website http://www.

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