South Wales Evening Post

Where were the road concerns for school site?


NICE to see our MP and local councillor­s listening to residents’ concerns about speeding traffic in Grovesend (Post, November 10). And together with the police, they are lambasting drivers for ignoring the 20mph speed limits through the village.

Strange how these same county and community councillor­s did not listen to and take on board similar concerns in 2015 when the planning applicatio­n was up for discussion, regarding Swansea Council’s proposal to build a primary school on land in Parc y Werin, Gorseinon.

Residents in Princess Street, Grove Street and Brynawel Road speak of parking issues, countless near misses and small traffic accidents especially near the roundabout by Gorseinon Hospital.

Concerns which were very well reported to planners at the time.

It is also to be borne in mind, that these roads are heavily used by Penyrheol comprehens­ive children.

Then there’s the staff, outpatient­s, visitors and supply vehicles for the hospital. In addition to the large amount of going to/ returning from work traffic.

Between 8.15am and 8.45am, it’s manic already. Add traffic for parents dropping off primary school pupils, and it will become bedlam.

But, the project consultant­s concluded in their planning statement, that ‘it is not considered that the [planning] proposals will have a significan­t adverse impact on the highway safety.’ Quite outrageous!

But what the consultant­s and highways department failed to take into account, was that most of the school’s catchment area children will in effect be living about one mile from Parc y Werin; a distance which, according to Welsh Government statistics, means a big reduction in the numbers walking or cycling to school.

And they will be taken up by car journeys instead.

The situation is so serious that moves are afoot, to seek a health and safety investigat­ion.

Maybe then our local councillor­s might want to take a little more notice of the concerns of Gorseinon and Penyrheol residents! CRISPIAN HUGGILL Gorseinon

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