South Wales Evening Post

Super-slimmer Catherine sheds stones after weight loss pledge


CATHERINE Holmes walked through the doors of a Margam weight loss group on February 1 last year and promised herself it would be the last time ever she would be the weight she was.

She was depressed, not taking care of herself, hadn’t had her hair cut in two years and still wore mainly maternity clothes.

There wasn’t just one single turning point for Catherine, but Christmas 2017 as a whole, after she peaked at 13.5 stone.

She went on a shopping trip with friends and chose not to go out to the stylish bars of Bristol but to stay in her hotel room.

She made the excuse that she was too tired but the truth was she had no clothes that fitted her as she would have liked, and felt like a frumpy old mother.

Her friends went out over the Christmas period but Catherine stayed at home.

A friend managed to persuade Catherine to go out for a meal for New Year’s Eve which resulted in Catherine sat in floods of tears, having to apologise for undoing her size 16 jeans as she couldn’t do them up and sit down at the same time.

Catherine realised that enough was enough, so she decided to do something about it.

In her first week with Slimming World she lost 9lb and couldn’t believe it.

Catherine’s consultant helped her to set her target and her goal was to reach it by the August, which was when they had a family holiday booked to Tenerife.

“My goal was to reach 11 stone which at the time felt impossible, but as the months went on I was steadily losing 1-2lb each week,” said Catherine.

 ??  ?? Catherine Holmes before and after her weight loss.
Catherine Holmes before and after her weight loss.
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